Okay let's have a look at this:


Forr the bow, are you thinking then bolts of energy when you say magic? We can definitely do something like that, with maybe half a dozen shots before it runs out, each bolt the power of a steel shot or similar.

When talking about mana, are you saying the user's magic energy? So it could be restored back quickly but the person would feel weak and it would only restore three bolts, and maybe at the strength of only an iron arrow? The ritual would take, say a whole half an hour (say, until the next thread or fight) but restore all six?

We can make the arrows stronger.


So there glass or crystal orbs controlled by a user wearing a first. They can be used as combined into a shield or javelin. Would you like to look at using them also as heavy projectiles themselves?

Bag of holding:

We can certainly look at this.

If you could answer these questions and then I'll get some prices. Feel free to catch me in chat.