Stare tilted her head as she watched the - what was it again, ah yes, humonculus - pick the steaming kettle from the stove and begin the ritual of making more tea. Black eyes pierced the back of the head of the curious being, who was human in form but not in spirit. Her tongue very quietly clacked on the inside of her mouth as she considered that Ezra was very much a 'them' and not a 'he,' despite the fact their creator, Ezoreth apparently was defined by such. When the pronoun had changed was curious to Stare, it meant that at some point there had been a lack of a preference for male or female. Either it had been during their creation or after, and it had something to do with either both male and female were existent, or none were. It was a curious question, but one that Stare was unsure if it was impolite to ask.

Either way, their aura defiantly spoke of neither preference. They just were they.

As Ezra turned back around Stare decided to simply respond to their own interest. About her anatomy and physiology. As far as a homonculus was probably from a human, a kenku was probably the same - and more.

"I only have questions regarding how you are made. Ones that you seem to have yourself. That third soul is definite present - my sight never lies." She waited until her cup was filled again and took a moment.

"That and I am wondering why Nevin took a liking to you, but then that is a question for him perhaps. If you are not his sweetheart, and just his friend, then we have a friend in common." She inclined her head at the being who was settling back down opposite her. "As to my physical make up, my species has its own mythology about where we came from and stories of how we were once simply corvids on the wind, who were given human form. The truth is a little different, but I will not bore you with that." It also included needing to explain that actually they came from a whole different planet, and had been sent here as a species that was innocent and stupidly, entirely naive, but that was too close to admitting that she worked for a god. Which was completely not allowed. Therefore, she went on.

"Instead I can tell you that we do have hollow bones - it makes us lighter and faster than the normal being. Over average height is five foot only, and we mostly are all black. We can go around naked and not cause alarm, because the plumage covers everything, but we developed the social acceptance of wearing clothes because that is how the world is." She paused. "We lay eggs that our young hatch from, but we also lactate. We suspect that is from the influence of the mammalian inspiration on our design. Oh and I have tail feathers, but they are tucked away. We die younger than you do - a life expectancy is around forty or fifty years, and we live in a very feudal society back in our homeland."

She huffed, "Never touch a kenku's beak or tail feathers without asking, they are considered the pride of the being. Aside from mine, I have got over my aversion, but then I do not live in my community anymore. And we cannot fly. One bit."

"Is that what you wanted to know?"