
Just a point I want to make. You bring up some valid ideas and suggestions but end of the day you cannot FORCE someone to participate which is what I am getting out of your suggestions. I am someone who firmly believes in choice and free will if someone wants to participate in a workshop, for example, they should be ALLOWED to participate on their own NOT FORCED TO participate. I personally was not comfortable (And I'm still not comfortable) with the whole AP system. At least the way it is currently MAINLY gotten is through participation in the workshop system and certain site events/etc. I didn't like the idea of something forced on us which is the way it basically worked out.

I personally understand your concerns about site activity in certain regards but we don't NEED to start forcing people to do x, y, z. I read your entire talking points and I am concerned about some of the suggestions. However, it is not my place to say aye or naye about it here. Ultimately it's up to Tony and other folks to implement those changes or not. But yeah I digress. End of the day freedom of choice is where it should be, not forced participation. I think we're treading a dangerous line right there if people are gonna have to be FORCED to participate. Anyway that's how I feel about it. Either way keep up the good work suggesting things everyone!