She pulled the door open, the bright light from the hallway spilling into her room. Ray preferred darkness to the blinding lights of the hall, her room lit by the Alererian bulbs that so fascinated her. Something about being surrounded by her technology, even in her sleep, brought her comfort. Her space was far from cozy. In fact, some might call it industrial, looking more like a garage than a bedroom. There were not many difference between it and the workroom across the hall, save for the addition of a bed. If she was within a few steps of something to tinker with, she was happiest.

As such, the light that pooled in her doorway seemed to cast a sort of spotlight on the woman. Truth be told, the dress she wore deserved nothing less. It fit her like a glove, one layer clinging to her body while miles of loose fabric draped atop it. She had no real curves to speak of, a fact that Tobias Stalt had reminded her of on various occasions, but the dress seemed to accent what was there. It fell mid-calf, and though the strappy sandals Ray wore paled in comparison, they were all that she had. Besides, anyone who was looking anywhere but the shimmering emerald gown was crazy.

It was lucky, then, that Ray had no jewelry to accent her look. Her ears were unpierced, and necklaces generally only got in the way of her work. But the dress. All she had to do was slip into it, and she was ready. In a moment of indecision, she had twisted her mop of brown hair into a pile on top of her head. Without a mirror in her room (she was never one for vanity), she had no idea how she looked. Her gaze searched his face for some sort of sign.