"Now then."

Nosdyn said carefully as his body was ignited in flames for a moment or two. His body was scorched and he suffered some degree of burning, but for the most part he endured Zack's attack. That was a nice attack. Nos looked through the hot fire as he looked at Leoric's position. There were other combatants in the area, and a that point he noticed that the floor was somewhat slick with a sheet of ice. Nosdyn would have to maneuver a little carefully. He was thankful for his boots at that point.

As he stared back at Zack, the fellow spewed nonsense out of his face.

"Let's see you try, Zack." Nosdyn knew the man's name as he was a participant and member of The Citadel's ranks. Nosdyn had good knowledge of most of the warriors that frequented The Citadel's halls. As he stood there for a moment longer, he cracked his neck. "I hope that's not your only trick." Nosdyn stalked forward towards Zack. Though he was sincerely a reformed Demon, he knew Zack was a criminal and his capture would give Nosdyn a nice payday with the local guards.

As his eyes narrowed his body gave off steam from the criminal's attack. Be ready to strike back. Nosdyn thought calmly. Though his own growing unarmed combat skills needed a lot of refinement, he still was no slouch in his training. He just needed more experience. Nosdyn fought in the unarmed combat style of the demon horde. As he walked forward, Nosdyn grabbed a chair, and the sap that was sitting on it fell on the ground. Nosdyn had a weapon at that point. I could use my sword but that would be cheating, besides...I have to train more. Nosdyn thought to himself. When he was in striking distance, Nosdyn swung the strong oak chair right at Zakc's upper body.

He waited to see what Zack would do. "Not a fight without some damned chairs." Nosdyn grinned.