A long time ago, back 'fore she was a succulentwaifu--
"There you are," the young woman with her golden hair hastily pulled back in a messy bun cooed as a warm energy emanated from her palms.

After she was finished, the man across the table from her inspected his hand. The cuts from where the mug shattered across his knuckles had closed, leaving behind just the tiniest of scars. "Thank you kindly, ma'am," he said with a polite nod. "How much do I owe you for the trouble?"

"Oh, that won't be necessary," she said with a smile. "Just happy that I could help you. It would go against my order's creed to sit by idly while you bled all over the place."

"Just be careful with that magic," he warned. "The Sway has eyes everywhere. You wouldn't want to run afoul of them."

"So I have been told."

The patron shrugged, the tone of his voice becoming more jovial. "If you won't take gold, at least allow me to buy you a drink!"

The woman considered this for a moment. "I reckon that I am a bit thirsty," she agreed.

Standing up, the man smiled. "What's your pleasure?"

"Something that isn't this 'watered-down piss' I hear so many others talk about," the woman said with a smirk.

The woman's new friend hesitated for a moment before turning towards the bar. "I don't think I caught your name, lass."

"Perri. Perri Svensdotter."