Coming from someone that personally absolutely love this site for me it’s a little bit of all the options. I, myself know how intimidating it can be to submit your work for judgement. I love constructive criticism but also do sometimes take things personally. (Breaker, love ya babes for dealing with my emotional self haha.) For me I am a very weak technical writer, I focus more on descriptive elements then punctuation and grammar which hurts me. So I see where everyone is coming from but I don’t think the option was aggressive at all that Chris put.

I do feel that the site should get back to more workshops and also focusing on quality of the threads but sometimes you get an idea and run wild with it. I know I am bad at once I post on the site I don’t go back and read through and edit. I also miss the big threads that we all did together like Breaker posted above. I haven’t really seen any here since I have been back which is sad because that’s also how people branch out and explore other people in an open atmosphere. Hell thoughts what started Breaker and McKinley.

I love you all and I don’t think this poll should be taken personal.