After Carter’s large fist connected with McKinley’s already battered face things became hazy. She was in the realm of half way unconscious and seeing and hearing things as if she was under water. Her captors, the group of them all stumbled about collecting things. Their muffled voices blended together like a large wave crashing over her.

“Wh-what’s goin on?” She heard herself mumble. Her voice slurred as if she had had to much spring mead to drink. No one stopped or paid attention to her question. The sound of shuffling boots was her only answer.

McKinley felt someone grasp her arm just below where her wrist were bound with rope. She groaned softly as their grip was not gentle with her frail body. Once the ropes were released she felt herself falling, right before she was going to hit the ground someone caught her.

Her raw, bleeding wrist stung as the cool, wet air hit them. She hissed, in one of her eyes the vision was starting to become more clear but in the other she could hardly force it open. She was certain that Carter, the bastard he was had clocked her right in the left eye.

Two sets of strong hands roughly gripped each arm as she stumble, trying to force herself to walk. Her face grimaced with pain as the two men didn’t take it slow. From the room she was once in, into another.

“Hurry, make the damn portal!” The bearded ringleader hissed.

Just as space and time were ripped open in front of her she heard it, or felt him; her savior. “Joshua…” She breathed life into his name.

McKinley struggled weakly as the Thayne slayer himself busted into the room. Splinters of wood confettied the room as she tried to pull away from her captors. The sound of his strong voice made a hope swell in her chest.

[I]NO! NO! Don’t let them take me! Not again![\I]

The petite redhead was shoved through the portal rough. She fell forward landing on her knees. She cried out in pain, the impact of the fall jarring her tattered self.

This room just like the other dimly light, the light from one single gas lantern barely reached each corner of the small prison. The cobblestone floor was wet and gritty like sand. A small whisper that sounded like it came from a wounded animal parted McKinley’s split, swollen lip.

“Get the bitch up, tie her to the bed, legs and arms.”

The redhead tried to crawl away, her already scraped knees buckling under her. “No! STOP!” She hollered as loud as she could. A few of the men chuckled as her feeble attempt to sound intimidating others snorted or scoffed.

In one swift motion she was picked up and tossed like a rag doll on to a small cot. A loud cry came from her, tears flooded her eyes and cheeks as she tried to breathe. Her ribs and lungs felt as if someone had set them ablaze. She gasped for air, gulping it, trying to breathe. Her legs tied to the bottom side of the cot her hands the top.

McKinley’s body trembled as the cold and pain consumed her. “Hur-r-y, Jo-s-h-ua.”