Quote Originally Posted by Philomel View Post
Lye, with Philomel being what she is with Delath and Veridian, are they permitted on also, with their abilities as detailed in her profile? Would I be permitted to separate them and have them with units, for instance, yet still at their power as stated in her profile?
You are permitted only your main character as a hero as described and approved in your profile. Any other hero or troop unit must conform to the restrictions. This would go the same for accounts that may have two people sharing the same profile/powers, or familiars in any capacity. For example, the Tantalus Troop could only have one of its members as the "as approved" hero, all other members would need to conform to the level 9 and 3 ability cap.

Also with the special units that are equal to three standard units, I remember last time there was some rule or other about there being allowed only one or two of these types. Is there a limit to how many special units we can have, or what number within those units we can have?
As of right now, there is no cap. Theoretically, you could pit 3,333 large golems against 10,000 standard troops. Again, the format would still need to be approved by both Max Dirks and myself. So, depending on description and powers, we may need to impose additional restrictions to keep the playing field fair. In short, it is allowed and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.