The lean Storyteller was always wary of trying to summon wolves. Wolf Grym we’re always harder to control, harder to direct. Wolves were one of the High Fears that man possessed, it was ancient and primal, almost instinctual to fear them. There were many popular stories and legends about wolves, which lead to much more power generated for the Grym. “The Big Bad Wolf” was powerful enough to eat two people whole and hypnotize red riding hood into thinking he was her grandmother.

Sketch wracked his brain trying to think of any other solutions before resorting to summoning an unstable and unpredictable monster of living fear. When none came to mind, he sighed, reached his hands out and began to intone with his strange, deep baritone voice, ”When the creator made the world, he made the land and the sky, the sea and the air. He made beasts to crawl upon the ground, fly in the skies and swim in the oceans. These creatures grew plentiful and numerous. Eventually, the creator’s beast grew too many in number, eating all the flora that covered the earth, and the ground grew lifeless and dead. The creator wept at the sight of the lifeless ground, for he loved all of his creations, even the green grass that he created to feed the animals.

Realizing that allowing the fauna to grow unchecked was a mistake, he again blanketed the world in the green of plant life, and created predators to challenge and punish the weaker prey creatures when they grew too numerous. The prey creatures grew to fear the predators that are the flesh of their old, sick and young. Eventually the prey gathered in groups in order to offer protection from the predators.

The most cunning of the predators began to hunt in packs as well, allowing them to prosper from each other. They grew sharp senses and became the most efficient of hunters.

As Sketch spoke, the sky dimmed to an unnatural night, and fog rolled in, creating a environment of black and white. As Sketch focus his will through the story, he felt a “pull” on his mind, shaping the picture in his head into a shape the resembled a large black wolf, Which Sketch could see through.

The beast looked to the Storyteller, and the eyes looked familiar, a deep, dark green that faded into a deep black. “We meet again Teller. It’s been a while. The beast gave a strange symbalence of a crooked grin, “I was wondering when you’d call on one of us to hunt down a rogue.

The voice sounded familiar to Sketch, and he thought that the eyes were similar to his own. He wasn’t sure where, but he was certain that he’d seen the beast before. [COLOR="#000080"]“Yes, well... We’re in pursuit of a Grym that’s ubducted children and spread a blight to the surrounding land. The trail I’ve followed has ended here, can you smell him out?” Sketch asked, unsure of how to respond to a Grym that he’d summoned when it actually spoke to him.

Children? And a blight? It sounds like the “Rat King” Teller. Nasty business, following Hamelin. I can guide you, I just hope there’s enough Grym in you to prevent you from getting sick.” The beast replied.