Fenn hid behind Yvonne, suddenly uncomfortable with the situation. The mama bear dwarf inhaled a very deep breath and held it - narrowed her serrated silver eyes and levelled a discouraging stare upon the daredevil. She exhaled her frustration through flared nostrils, a long, gradual gust of hot air to rival the heat wafting off their antagonist. Nobody provokes Fenn on Yvonne’s watch!

Of course the fire fae couldn’t help herself. She had to come all the way around the tree just to throw down the gauntlet, the insolent, reckless wick-whelp. An attempt to impress all her wee fae friends no doubt, to show them how brave she could be. Probably vying for leadership of her fae gang. What’s a little disrespect for the foreigners if it meant adoration among one’s peers? Courage always came easy with the numbers on one’s side and a band of fae-folk cohorts fuelling the fire.

If Yvonne had been holding a bucket of rainwater she would have loved extinguishing this pyromancer, right over her fiery-tempered head. Luckily the cranky crossbreed wasn’t the one holding the water-skin. She’d have to make a stand and project her booming voice instead.

“Mind yer tone if yer going ta flap yer flaming yap at me people. I’ll not tolerate ye provoking them. If ye got a problem with me friend ye can take it up with me, understand? Anything else ye feel tha need ta spit cinders about?” Yvonne questioned irritably. Her harrowing eyes fixed on the fire fae, ignoring the rest of them, unwilling to back down. The mixed breed studied her, looking for something to redirect the attention, away from Fennik. It didn’t take long.

“What do ye suppose ye be, eh? All dressed up and nowhere ta go. Got yer adventurer costume on, yer dinky armour and rain-boots, haha! Who ye trying ta impress, kiddiewink?” Yvonne mocked.