Quote Originally Posted by Venex Apara View Post
They could have cut 20 minutes out. But hey, new force powers. Star wars table top games rejoice!

Edit: Jesus Christ, the fucking fanboys. Settle the back down. Snoke went out like a bitch, disappointing. Luke died, not how I expected.

But what people don't seem to get is that Rey doesn't need to be related some Force user, she is the balance that the force naturally gravitated to. The slate has been sweeped clean, and it's ying and yang. It's about balance. Kylie is dark, she light, they will clash, and while the rebels fight the new order, they fight a battle of balance.

I just don't think Kylo is good enough on his own to be the "big bad". Snoke had that gravitas and intrigue; a powerful dark side user with a fucked up body and plenty of caveats to explore. Seemingly, they have put an abrupt halt on that.

Kylo's story felt more about whether or not he would redeem, and the continuation of his conflicting light and dark. I don't think at this point he can now drop everything to the dark and be the next Palpatine or Snoke, not now that we have seen this much of him.