Aynur heard the other woman drag a chair up to the table and felt the 'wompf' vibrate through the table as the other woman leaned down on it. Aynur had no name to go by, just 'this woman' the woman who smelt like dirt, and leaves. The woman who was so interested in her it was almost unnerving. The woman who thus far, seemed incredibly kind so it shouldn't make Aynur worry. Tristain did say there were good people in the world right. And this woman, she had a general curiosity about her. It reminded Aynur of how she was the first time she left her sect deep within the mountains of Dheathain.

"About me..." Aynur mused softly as her hands blindly felt around the table till she found her cup again. Turning it twice Aynur picked it up and very slowly directed it toward her mouth. Deliberate, slow, and calculated where her movements. A simple thing such as drinking a cup of tea proved difficult for her. Often she'd find herself pouring the contents over herself and Aynur did not want to do that in front of a possible new friend. Even if this friend didn't wish to share their name.

"I do not think it is normal in this area. I am not from here. I was designated as 'the chosen one' by my people. See, we worship ancient people called Ar'Tuel and - the chosen one had a special sight - where we could see peoples souls and uhm..." Aynur stuttered. It was difficult to explain. Still... She managed to go on to explain how she was the chosen of her people, and that the soul of one of the ancient beings was in an orb 'The Orb of Alkieth' and it was her duty to protect it. That the chosen ones not only had sight, but the ability to harbour an Ar'Tuel soul within their womb. It was a self sacrifice scenario. Aynur lowered her eyes as she pursed her lips. "Essentially, the chosen were to carry a new Ar'Tuel soul but at the cost of their own life... my pilgrimage was to spread the word of Al'Kieth but I guess I was wrong."

The silence between the two was long. The woman in front of her didn't respond, at least not in word. Instead Aynur heard the screech of wood against wood as a chair was dragged closer to her. She felt the gentle caress of the other girl as she again, began to pat Aynurs head. Was the woman trying to comfort her? It made sense...in a weird way. Aynur took a deep breath and licked her lips. Her throat felt dry. How long had she been talking? Aynur bought her hands to her wrists, absently playing with the bandage from a few nights earlier. An attempt on her own life.

"I...do not know who you are, but surely... my words must not be very entertaining to you. You're not from here?" The gentle pats on the girls head paused and Aynur had to admit she was a little disappointed that the action had not continued. "Its ok. You do not have to say." Aynur quickly interjected as she pulled up the sleeve on her right arm, revealing the severity of her burn scars. "The past is painful, I understand if it is something you do not wish to discuss."