Transaction complete!

Hayate pays 463 gold and has the items of titanium wakasashi, ten iron shuriken, two pieces of titanium and grappling hook and chain turned into the item described as follows:

Ruin’s Grasp: A titanium prosthetic left arm made by John Cromwell specifically to fit Hayate Amatsukami. It is completely customized with an array of modifications making it a deadly tool in his arsenal. At the elbow a titanium wakizashi is mounted that aids in combat. On the outside of the forearm is an iron quality retractable grappling hook with thirty feet worth of chain coiled within his arm. Lastly on the inside of the wrist hides a chamber from which he may reflexively fire a reloadable supply of five shuriken at his enemy as quickly as if thrown by a well trained shinobi. Any shuriken Hayate owns can be loaded into the chamber.

I just turned in the thread where it was made, obtaining the raw titanium for the arm itself. But the additions to the arm; Wakizashi, grappling-hook and chain, shuriken, are items I own and can all be used to reduce the cost of the item.