"Enough." Sweet Moon, this girl ran her mouth at a mile a minute, didn't she? I watched as she buried her face in her hands. She apparently knew that she was talking too much - I wonder how long it had been an issue for her? I snorted and looked down at the wretch that was pinned beneath my foot, who flicked his eyes between my impassive silver gaze and the girl who was holding her face and peering at him now, from around the edges of her gauntlet. Did he hope that I would take mercy on him because this girl was asking for questions from him? Hah. No one would save him, not from me. I shifted my foot off of the man, who immediately curled up and held onto his legs, tears of pain running down his face. I ignored him, turning my attention back to the girl. She had frozen when I spoke, and was staring at me from behind her hands with wide eyes.

"You have questions to ask of this scum?" I kicked him lightly, and he whimpered. "Well then, you happen to be in luck, girl." I knelt down and grabbed the man, and lifted him bodily from the ground. He quailed, and I shook him roughly. "But it seems you are in luck for more than just the fact that I am going to be questioning this worm and I am willing to let you listen in." I grinned evilly, and I saw the man pale. Oh yes, he knew what I was. "You see, I am on the track of a child kidnapping ring, and have been tracking it for some time, and they are operating somewhere in this city as a base." Yes, there was that satisfying loss of blood in his face as he realized that there was no escape for him. I turned my gaze to the girl.

"Which means, girl, that you and I have very similar interests and a desire to question this particular individual. Now, isn't that lucky?" I swung my eyes back to the man, who was staring at me. "Well, lucky for us, not for you. See, you made a very serious mistake. One that some might say, was suicidal." I slowly walked towards the girl, still holding the man well into the air. I turned him around slowly, manipulating him so that his face was pointed towards the young woman. "See, you didn't only get someone normal involved in this business, friend. You got a Huntsman involved. I know there aren't many of us left, but you know what that means, don't you?" The man nodded, his hair bobbing around his head. Whatever alcohol had been in his system had been burned out at this point, by a combination of fear and pain.

"Good, smart man. Now, why don't you let this young lady ask her questions? If your answers are sufficient, then I won't have to ask any." I was not going to say I'd let him go. That was not happening. Things had been uneasy of late, and the criminal element had been getting more and more active. Made me regret that Huntsmen had gone out of style - a good crackdown and a Hunt was just what was needed to push them back into the cesspits of ignomity where they belonged. But no - I'd not be letting this one go. He answered the questions, and I wouldn't have to torture more information out of him. He'd just have to hope that the young girl was thorough.