Yo Kyla, I know this won't help much but maybe it will. I got diagnosed with nodules in my thyroid that ended up NOT being Thyroid Cancer. But like they had to run a LOT of biopsies and such on me a well. The best advice I can give you from my own experience is to ALWAYS maintain a positive mindset about the situation. That's the best thing those in our situation can do. My situation is monitored, and I'm certain that your situation will be just fine in the end. You are an amazing woman with a lot to live for. Just do the best you can and everything will work out in the end like it's meant to.

You have me on Facebook I think so if you ever want to just vent, or talk about whatever, let me know. I'm ALWAYS around!!! But yes, Kayla, the point of all this is that I wish you the best of luck. Just do everything you gotta do and you will be great in the end for it!!!
