Flames? Ha, they were pouring from his maw and Philomel - well she was on his neck.

As he tossed his head around like a wild mare, she grabbed hold of her sword Nameless, bellowing out a challenge back to him with the greatest, loudest bleat she could utter. In faunish she cried: "YOU SHALL DIE TONIGHT!" and jeered with her tremendous goat head. As the green fire illuminated her she grew all the more greedy for death to come, a wicked grin forming over the fearsome face of hers, pulling back the upper lip in a freaky gloat. The dragon was not amused - rather he began to shriek as he suddenly leant down onto his forelegs. Philomel meanwhile was still clutching hold of her sword that was thickly imbedded into his flesh. Of course, this was not killing him, he was a zombified creature of the undead after all, and mere wounds only sliced and diced him. She glared at his meat as it slipped off his corpse in sloppy wastes, and managed to catch a breath as he ceased his fire.

But then - then his tensed muscles released energy. His improper bow of the forelegs rightously excelled into a superb rear. Truly now like the wild stallions he released another jet of flame, truly trying to shake the now three creatures that scurried over his form. Veridian, further down, had latched himself onto the leg and was ripping aside flesh with his huge jaws, growling as he did so. Flames rippled up and down his back but he was so irritated that he used his claws and teeth - primary instinct taking over to kill as one would do in the true wilderness. He gripped on as the dragon thumped back down to earth, and heard the clattering of thousands of coins as they were spilled over the floor. Onto more treasure.

Philomel hissed and with one hand gripped Nameless as her other arm stretched behind her back and unleashed the hell of her other blade. Madly, taking this one, the Rabbit in hand, she began to cut yet more carvings into the dragon's neck. As she did so she pushed Nameless in deeper, making atrue anchor for herself and anyone else who needed one, as Veridian hissed, his own eyes now watching the strange pink light that was surrounding them. Each of them. A see through globe. A ... shield?

Philomel, he yelled at the beast who was his beloved, who had been concetrating all this time on damage. We are shielded.

Just kill this damn thing! Philomel hissed, now skipping up onto her feet. Still holding Nameless, she leapt up into the air, then brought her goat self slamming back down to earth. As she did she sent a jarring, hellish quake of intense power and energy that rippled right into the dragon's neck. It was savage, and brutal, cutting through bone, muscle and vein, not caring what was dead and what might be still alive. There was a sickening crack as the dragon let out a gasp, slumping to the earth from the pressure of the mighty earthquake.

"Serves you right," Philomel bleated. And she continued to strike as the dragon was downed.