1. What do you like best about science fiction? What attracts you to the genre and what keeps you coming back to it? There used to be a formula to SciFi it went Story and Characters first, Social Commentary second. Two good examples are Dune, and Star Trek . In this way SciFi gave glimpses of the future, or possible futures, from the technological utopia of Star Trek, to the more realistic Babylon 5 it's always what might be. Also big damn explosions!

2. How much explanation of technology do you prefer? Is it enough to understand what's happening, or do you tend to want a scientific explanation for how things work? It all depends, I don't know how a light saber works to know it's cool, on the other hand I want to know why a civilization capable of building a Dyson sphere would want to.

3. Is there anything you dislike about science fiction, or any pitfalls to the genre you think a writer should avoid? Ok in reference to my response in question one, modern scifi has turned the formula on its head where now you have at Political Agenda first, followed by social commentary then in a dead, did not finish last place story/characters. You now have weak stories, thinly veiled rants, and the social commentary is decidedly biased. Also slow paced and plodding discussions and technobabble.