This isn't to say we are or are not bringing back PGs. I want to know what you miss and what you'd like to have brought back if anything.

Overall, I'm seeing reasons that have nothing to do with rewards or incentives other than a common flag to fly between characters. No system is really needed for that. Just like I still write the CH with Amari and Shinsou has his Brotherhood of Castigars.

Dirks proposition adds a fun twist of regional bonuses. Which is fine. And the limiting members has to do with people who want to be in all the clubs and get all the club perks. That would be game breaking if left unchecked. So I'm not too keen on incentives since that was the primary reason so much conflict arose over the old system. How many months did players receive boosted rewards for having an HQ uncontested? How many free levels did that earn? It can be argued that they weren't "free" but earned, but the subject is touchy none the less.

So again, what would you want to see out of power groups? People miss them, but what could you do then that you cannot do now?