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Thread: The Gathering

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  1. #1

    EXP: 38,578, Level: 8
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next Level: 5,422
    Level completed: 40%,
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    Gavner_Nahs's Avatar


    “Uncle Gavner!” Espoir shouted as she ran down the walkway to Black Shadow’s house. About five years ago, the vampire and his friend acted as diplomats between a warring kingdom of elves and dwarves. On the journey, an unfortunate event occurred and the two adventurers found themselves with responsibility over an orphaned baby. Black Shadow adopted Espoir, and both he and Gavner raised her. Gavner traveled much more frequently than Black Shadow, however, so Shadow was her primary guardian.

    “Espoir!” Gavner exclaimed as he scooped her up in his arms. “Wow you are getting so big! Did you miss me while I was gone?”

    “I missed you so much!” She said with the biggest smile on her face.

    “”So what are we tonight?” The vampire asked.

    “I’m a dragon!” She shouted.

    “A dragon!” Gavner shouted. “Ahhhh! Look out it is a dragon!” He picked her up and held her over his head by her hips as if she weighed nothing. She spread her arms to the side and held her legs straight. Gavner ran around with her, making swooping and swishing noises as she excitedly squealed in delight and flapped her arms and pretended to breathe fire.

    “Let me hear you roar!” Gavner said.


    “Let me hear you roar!!”


    “Ahhhh so scary, we are all going to di-”

    Gavner stopped in his tracks as he looked down and saw Black Shadow directly in front of him with his arms crossed, and the biggest look of disapproval in his cold dark eyes. The vampire quickly put down Espoir who hid behind Gavner’s leg and peeked out from behind with a loud giggle.

    “Espoir,” Black Shadow signed, “You should be in bed.”

    “I’m sorry daddy, I just heard you guys coming back and I got excited to see you!” Espoir replied. “Can I stay up with you? Please daddy?”

    Gavner looked at Black Shadow. “Please daddy?” He pleaded.

    “It’s past your bedtime,” Black Shadow insisted, “But since Uncle Gavner is home, ten more minutes.” Espoir squealed in delight and the two continued to play, Shadow joining in as well.

    After ten minutes had passed, Espoir was too tired to continue and she let Gavner carry her to bed. The two adventurers tucked her in and said goodnight.

    “We are going away for a few months, just like I was telling you earlier,” Black Shadow signed to Espoir, “You have your bow, right?”

    “Yes daddy.”

    “And you know where Uncle Mavrik, Uncle Gavner’s brother lives, right?”

    “Yes daddy.”

    “You are going to be staying with him while we are away. He will be here tonight to look after you, and he will take you back to his place tomorrow. If you miss home you can ask him to come back here, and you guys can live at home for a few days, he knows and is okay with that.”

    “If I miss you can I sleep in your bed?.” Espoir asked, visibly sad but trying to look strong.

    Black Shadow’s posture declined. Seeing Espoir visibly unhappy at his leaving always hurt him on the inside. He faced Espoir and removed his black mask. Gavner quickly averted his gaze as not to see his best friend’s face. Shadow had made it clear that he didn’t care if Gavner looked on his face, but Gavner still refused to do so out of respect for his friend. The vampire took several steps backwards so that only the back of Black Shadow’s head was visible.

    “Yes, of course you can,” Black Shadow signed, as he leaned in to hug his daughter. “Hey, it’s going to be okay,” he signed, rubbing her back. “Uncle Gavner and I will be back before you know it.”

    “I know,” she said trying to hold back tears, “But you’ve been gone for so long, and you just came back. Now you’re leaving again.”

    “I know,” Black Shadow replied silently, “But after this journey, it will just be you and me for a long time. Nobody will bother us except for Uncle Gavner.”

    She sniffled, large tears now rolling down with Black Shadow’s black shirt sucking them up into a dark wet spot. He rubbed her back, letting her cry for a few minutes. He pulled away and looked down into her little eyes as he continued to rub her back.

    “Remember how much fun you always have at Uncle Mavrik’s?” Shadow signed with one hand. “You can go shoot your bow with him, and climb trees, and even play with Gavner’s baby wolf cub Eva.”

    “Eva is going to be there?” Espoir said with a small smile.

    “Of course,” Gavner chimed in. “She has actually learned telepathy, so you can talk to her and see things she feels.”

    Espoir smiled and the color returned to her face.

    “I love you,” Black Shadow signed as he gave her a hug.

    “I love you too daddy,” She said. “Uncle Gavner?”

    “Yes Espoir?” Gavner said with a smile. He came to the side of the bed and leaned closer, taking care to not look in Black Shadow’s direction.

    “Why are your teeth black?”

    Gavner chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. “I will tell you when you are older.”

    “Okay,” She said, “I love you Uncle Gavner.”

    “I love you too little one,” Gavner replied as he gave her a hug. He said goodnight and left Black Shadow and Espoir alone for a while, waiting out in Black Shadow’s kitchen in the meantime.

    Black Shadow came out of Espoir’s room after a few minutes, and Gavner kept his back to the door until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking behind him, Gavner saw that Black Shadow had his mask on once again.

    “Thanks,” he signed to the vampire.

    “Do not mention it,” Gavner said with a warm smile. “So what is the plan?”

    “I told her that I would spend the day with her and leave tomorrow night for Beinost,” Black Shadow replied. “She was pretty upset.”

    “You are always a pushover for her,” Gavner said, giving his friend’s shoulder a playful punch. “Daddy’s little girl.”

    Shadow gave Gavner a playful shove, but forgot his own strength and pushed Gavner through the kitchen wall and backwards onto the ground. In an instant, Black Shadow helped Gavner up and back into the house.

    “Yeah, I’m gonna fix that tomorrow…” Shadow signed as he gave the wall an embarrassed look.

    “Very well,” Gavner said with a smirk, brushing himself off. “I will meet you in Beinost, and we can look for a voyage then.”

    “I’ll see you there.”

    “Are you sure this is the place?” Gavner asked as he and Black Shadow walked through the wooden door to see a small bar to their left, and a staircase to their right. “It looks more like a whorehouse than an inn.”

    Shadow raised his eyebrows at Gavner and shrugged. The tavernaster pointed them in this direction, and he didn’t think that man lied, especially since they tipped him so well.

    The dark elf who tended the bar looked at the travelers as they approached him. “Need a room?” she asked. “Or two?”

    Gavner and Black Shadow looked at each other. “No,” Gavner said, “It is not like that, we are not… together…”

    “Mmmhmm,” the bartender said, pursing her lips.

    “We are actually looking for somebody who has a room here,” Gavner said.

    “Really,” The dark elf said. “Who are you looking for?”

    “A captain Jack- er… Callahan…” Gavner hesitated.

    The dark elf stared at the two adventurers and raised her eyebrows.

    “No, it is not…” Gavner stumbled.

    “Look, what you guys do in your free time is none of my business,” She said shaking her head. “The captain is in room 213.”

    “Thank you,” Gavner said awkwardly. He tossed a few marks her way and the two adventurers went upstairs.

    They made it to the captain’s room just as a tall human brunette exited, buttoning up her shirt. She looked at Gavner and Black Shadow and rolled her eyes as she pulled out a handful of marks and counted them on her way out. Gavner hesitated, reluctant to touch the door. He rubbed a spot on the wood with his sleeve before knocking.

    “Back for more I see?” Came a gruff voice from within. “Just couldn’t get enough of the ca-”

    The door opened and a tall shirtless man appeared. He had black hair with streaks of gray, and copious amounts of chest hair. He was clean shaven, and stood about six foot four.

    “Sorry,” he said upon seeing Gavner and Black Shadow, “I’m not into your.. Type.”

    “No,” Gavner said, “We heard that you captain a merchant vessel? The RS Eluriand?”

    “You heard right,” He replied, “Only the finest ship to sail the seas.”

    “And you make the voyage to Dheathain?” Gavner asked. The captain hesitated.

    “Why don’t you gentlemen come in for a moment?” He beckoned the two travelers in and shut the door. He asked them to sit down and retrieved a pipe which he lit and started puffing on. “What business do you two have in Dheathain?”

    “We- er…” Gavner hesitated, looking to Black Shadow who nodded his approval for Gavner to continue. “We are looking into geneology of a family member, and we have a lead to Dheathain.”

    The captain raised his eyebrows. “This family member must be important to you.”

    “She means the world to us,” Gavner replied.

    “You know that the inhabitants of Dheathain are not in the least bit tolerable of outsiders, right?

    “Yes, but-”

    “I don’t think you do,” said the captain, looking at Black Shadow. “The locals attack all foreigners on sight. The Drakari are extremely territorial and Xenophobic.”

    “Yes, we are aware.” Gavner replied.

    “Dheathain is exceptionally inhospitable to… your… kind,” The Captain said, looking at Gavner. “The sun’s rays are five times stronger than normal in Dheathain.”

    Gavner narrowed his eyes. “How do you know…”

    “Please,” The captain scoffed. “You think I don’t know a vampire when I see one? The cape, the fangs, the black teeth, the sharp nails? Your blazing eyes are the first thing I saw. I know how to spot one of you.”

    Gavner shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

    “You needn’t worry,” the captain added, “One of my very close friends is one of your kind. I’ve taken him on this voyage many times.”

    “So we can pay for a voyage?” Gavner asked.

    “Well, I do have a favor to ask of you,” The captain said. “One of my sailors is intrigued by your… gift.”

    “You want me to blood one of your sailors?” Gavner replied.

    “Honestly, no. I would see that the lad stayed human. But this is his choice to make. Will you talk to him, and help him see if this is the way for him?”

    Gavner smiled. He remembered when he first gained the gift of vampirism. “Of course. I will talk with him.”

    “Thank you,” The captain said. “We get underway to Corone after we finish onloading the cargo. The ship should be stocked by midweek, so in about three days. We sail at dawn, so show up at dusk and we will make final preparations.”

    “Corone?” Gavner asked. “I thought we were going to Dheathain?”

    “We are,” The captain responded, “But it is not lucrative to go directly from Raiaera to Dheathain. Raiaera has more exports sought after by Corone than Dheathain, and Corone has more exports sought after by Dheathain than Raiaera does.”

    “Xzcunge,” Gavner cursed under his breath.

    “Take it or leave it.” The captain said.

    “We will take it.”

    “Good!” The captain exclaimed standing up. “We will see you midweek then.”
    Last edited by Gavner_Nahs; 04-29-2020 at 04:14 PM.

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