You have a point there. Nevin would be too magically inclined for Yvonne at the moment. Perhaps one day in the distant future, after she's spent some time in therapy.

I can picture Yvonne meeting Mikhail sooner if Vixen was to converse about him with her. Truth be told I'm not certain how a Vixen-Yvonne interaction is going to go yet and whether they have that kind of rapport. Mikhail seems to be a character that could create a great deal of internal strife and confusion in my half-dwarf. On the one hand the suffering he endures would compel her to befriend and attempt to help him, even though he'd probably try to push her away with his demeanor. On the other hand his metal shape-shifting would be quite the conundrum for her to mull over. It's magical manipulation and that's frightening, but it's metal-craft and that speaks to her dwarven blood. I foresee character development...

The Huntsman and Yvonne have some common ground, come from relatively the same part of the world. I can't picture them willingly crossing paths, but a co-operative born of necessity would work. Example: One of Yvonne's business ventures collides with monster troubles and she hires him to straighten it out for her. Dark elves she prefers to sidestep, especially strong and tenacious dark elves that she can't easily influence. They make her feel inferior and standoffish. Nonetheless it could make for a thread with a brooding, serious tone.

Henry is an obvious, easy win. Maybe too easy if you're looking for a challenge. We could make a thread with the orphanage Henry grew up in as the setting. I bet that hasn't been done. Bring the lute, make some music, surrounded by curious children. We'll do it for them kids.