The moon gazed down, full and bright. It sang out to the elven child, “Why art thou so distraught?”

Solemnly she responded, “I am alone, truly and horribly alone. I don’t understand my place in this world.”

The moon serenaded in a heavenly light, “thy should press onwards, tis a mere setback.”

Lilthis Shadefell did not want to listen. She had wallowed in self-pity long enough that her morose state was now a blanket of comfort she dare not peek out of. The logical part of her begged that she unburden herself of this pain but for now it was her emotions that would win out.

“No, we won’t take your kind,” an especially prudish high elf plainly stated.

The high elf was adorned in a yellow silken robe that was serrated in gray stripes scattered seemingly at random across his outfit. He carried a long jagged wooden staff which was decorated with a gleaming quartz that was shaped like a brushfire.

Lilthis was practically on her knees at this point. This was the fourth council member of The Vestige who had denied her. All of them for the exact same excuse. No dark elves. She could understand why they were so distrustful of her. Lilly’s own parents did not understand her fascination with magic and thought her magnum opus was a foolish endeavor. Indeed, Faellint only allowed her to pursue her understanding of magic as he could see how happy it made her. Dark elves were oppressive when it came to magic and this group probably had their own tales of abuse by Lilthis’ kind.

“Sir, please, just review the documentation I’ve done already on my own! I guarantee you that I will be the best scribe you’ve ever employed,” she pleaded. This had to work for her. She was terrified of what her life might become if she went back to Faellint. The idea of becoming a house wife was unacceptable to her and she did believe he was correct… she could not return to Alerar any time soon. That left The Vestige as her only option.

“Very well, let me take a look,” a new figure emerged. Another high elf, he looked much older than the others she had bartered with. His robes were less extravagant than the others, being a dull blue color fashioned from wool. The high elf gently grasped the journal from Lilly’s clutches, diligently scanning them over for what felt like an eternity. She studied his face, stern and quizzical, his darkened brown eyes intently reading over her work. Finally, he shut the journal and scratched the right side of his forehead, near his pointed ear. “You aren’t here to chastise. Your writings don’t appear to indicate that you wish to learn to practice the arcane. Why do you study magic?”

Lilthis explained her story. Her belief that machinery could wield magic. Explaining that most assumed magic operated outside the bounds of nature. Lilly indicated she wished to push that notion and see if it were true.

“Interesting. Alright, you can accompany us,” the wizard replied with a slight smile. His face then went back to its normal stern nature before issuing a warning, “however, it’s only for a probationary period. And if you are insincere we will part ways without quarrel.” The elder held out his hand and Lilly reached to meet his. As their hands shook up and down he completed the introduction, “I am Master Seshat.”

“I’m Lillian Svalesin, but you may call me Lilly. Nice to meet you.”