Aynur felt him grab her wrist, gingerly, gently. Almost as if he was afraid that if he gripped it tight he’d snap it. She followed him of course. How could she not? She had no fight in her. He said he wouldn’t harm her but the broken shell of a woman had no reason to believe him. How could she? Lucifer said the same thing, so did David. They both…

Aynur pursed her lips. As she followed him awkwardly behind. She had gotten used to the blur of colours and shapes that was now her vision, but it did not make walking any easier. Especially when being pulled by someone who felt as though they towered over her in height.

The brown haired girl was silent as she listened to the clinks and clanks of his armour. Until the questions started bubbling up in her head. “Are you a knight? You do not belong to this city do you? The guardsmen here don’t wear as much metal. They don’t meddle in the affairs of street trash.”

There were no words, but the man replied with a loud snort as his grip tightened on her wrist. His pace increased then there was the sound of a door. The ambiance changed.

He had dragged her inside someplace. The sounds were merry and the scents plentiful. Had he bought her to an inn?

“Why are we here? I’m not allowed inside. They’ll kick me out. I should go.” Aynur gave a light tug on her hand but found resistance.

“A bath. Then a hot meal.” Came the gravelly reply of his voice.

No matter the case...being lead to a place that was inside, that was warm...and the promise of a hot meal. It was far more than she could ever expect, and if she were to endure pain afterward… then at least she had a moment of reprieve.

Aynur wasn’t sure what to say.

She stopped tugging away from his grip. “I have nothing to give. I-uhm. I’m not sure…” She tilted her head. The sentiment she held so desperately onto, equal exchange. To do favours in return of favours. Even now the desire to repay him lingered in her broken psyche. “All I have are stories and songs. If that...is suitable for your needs. I...I am afraid I’m not...a good…”

Aynur trailed off. She was not a good lay. She didn’t want to say as such for fear that she’d place the thought into his mind and he’d do just that. Instead she cleared her throat. “Did you know in Salvar they prefer fatty meals and meats?”

It was a poor attempt at shifting the conversation to something else, anything else.