I think I'll fuck up Alerar, in the following ways:

Ebi will be smuggling Raiaeran terrorists into Ettermire, who will be coordinating with a group to the north to flood the city. They will seal off the breadth of the southern port with a magical wall, while the other group summons rain to increase the river level. Along with this, they will seal the gates, and sabotage the supplies needed to repair them.

Such a small group will probably only hold out for a week or two, before outside forces manage to break open the gates, but with spoiled food, and industrial chemicals tainting the water, there should still be plenty of opportunity for misery. If anyone wants to use this event themselves, feel free. I'm also not against coordinating.

I do have a question about the rounds, though:

Are there going to be official end dates, or will they just stay open until threads stop trickling in?