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    Lilly Svalesin
    Dark Elf

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    A flimsy left hand scribbled notes at a blistering pace. Ever set on her goals, Lilly had spent most of the day with an archmagus who was kind enough to show off several spells, channeling orbs, and prophetic scrying tools. During their interaction the drow woman had detailed every nuance of the archmagus’ demonstrations. It had lasted hours and the elf had no time to consider her own hypotheses, devoting their time purely to scribing down his lessons in perfect order. And now, within the crowded Minister’s Alehouse, she finally had a chance to put her own ideas to paper.

    Of course, she was on her fifth bourbon. Or was it the sixth? The fact she had lost count and the words blurred into one another meant it likely wasn’t the best time for her to work. Sadly, the haze of alcohol had convinced her that this was, in fact, the perfect time to notate her discoveries.

    Sitting up at the mahogany bar, atop one of multitude of cushioned stools, she wrote away. Tipping well meant that refills were coming in as fast as she could finish each drink. As she polished off her sixth or seventh bourbon the glassware clanked on the wooden surface. Another half page written, the diligent girl went to grab her drink only to find an empty glass. Snapped away from her focus, she finally recognized the cacophony of an on-going bout just behind her.

    Swiveling around in her chair the ebony skinned lady beheld the chaos of a political debate gone awry. Chairs flying, fists flailing, and burly orcs kissing the wooden floorboards. The happy drunk was displeased, how could she hope to get anything done amidst this racket? Worse still, her glass remained empty with the barkeep too busy watching the spectacle in the center of the tavern.

    Softly, but purposeful, the elf said, “excuse me, can you take your fight outside?”

    Her words were lost. Spoken too low, too calmly, to carry through the ensuing carnage. She raised both hands, cupping around her mouth and inhaling before shouting, “take it outside!!!”

    They heard her this time, but she was ignored. Words rarely spoke louder than the smack of knuckles upon bare flesh. The mob was enthralled with bloodlust and anger as civil discourse was eroded entirely. Were she sober the blue eyed woman would have realized this conflict would not end until only one person was left standing. Inebriated, she was incapable of thinking clearly.

    Perhaps if I get in the middle of the fighting I can convince them to stop, she schemed in her mind. Rising to her feet she took a few steps forward, teetering to and fro in an intoxicated state. As she got nearer to the fighting a cheery dwarf was pressed backwards and directly into Lilthis, spilling ale across her torso and upper thighs. Enraged, the pure blood rapidly increased her pace.

    “That’s enough,” she issued as she grew ever near the nucleus of the combatants. A flurry of air whipped around the girl as a mighty warrior was readying a punch. On the backswing of his blow, likely unbeknownst to him, his elbow collided with the dark elf’s glass jaw. Lilly was sent spiraling back, like a flower floating through the wind.

    Luckily an on-looking Coronian saw her face introducing itself to Leoric’s arm and was there to quickly drag her body out of any further harm. He leaned her stiff body against the wooden bar, reeking of spilt beer and dashed pride.
    Last edited by Lilthis; 06-28-2018 at 02:34 PM.

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