Oh fuck! Rianna's mind screamed as she felt Philomel's arms wrap around her waist and pull her out of harm's way. Her luminous blue eyes widened to saucers as she saw the boulder rolling swiftly just to the side of the faun and vampire pair. Gasping as she felt her breathe catch in her throat as she landed HARD against the limestone floor. Her chest was heaving up and down as she straightened herself up. Looking at her companion she whispers softly "Thank you for saving me..." her words were cut short thought as she heard the loud, ominous roar.

Shit, fuck! Oh hell! Where the god damn is Malik when I need him! Rianna's mind screamed furiously, as her orbs watched the zombie dragon start to rise to its full height. Its rotting wings expanding to their full length, bits and pieces of flesh were missing from the great leathery wings, as he flapped them once creating a huge gust of wind, that rifled Rianna's hair to blow behind her. Staring at it, the red-haired vixen was sorely reminded of facing off against her no-good half-sister's magical summon of the same creature. But THAT dragon was living, not undead!

Glaring at Ayami now, the venom seeped from her lips as she hisses "Is this the lesson I"m suppose to learn rabbit brat? That I need to face down my fears? Fight back? Did my father send you to help me because I've been failing him too much?"

Ayami's soft eyes grew cold, her aura begin to pulse a bright pinkish-red, flames begin to lick at her small frame as she replies callously "Oh little vampire, you should be careful what you say to potential allies! Remember little vampire, not ever creature is what they appear to be! You do not want to cross me!"

Staring at the small bunny ghost girl, feeling her aura pulse violently, Ri's hue's grew huge as she whispers "Are you ancient? Powerful? What are you Ayami?"

Ayami grins like a cat whose caught the best mouse as she says softly "You shall see soon enough! Now Mizami heir, I'd suggest focusing on the task at hand!"

WHO DARES WANDER INTO MY CAVE? LITTLE BEASTS I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE! YOU'LL NEVER GET THE TREASURE THAT LIES BEHIND ME! The undead ancient dragon roared loudly. Little drops of acid begin to form in his mouth, indicting that his years of undeath had given him much different powers then what he had in life. His putrid spiked tail slapped against a pile of said goodies that he was guarding. He looked at the faun and vampire, almost challenging them to attack.

Ayami begin to glide forward, her first though was to try reasoning with the beast, in a conjoling voice she cooed "Come on mister dragon? Can't you let us pass? We're just a group of treasure-seekers! We won't take much of what you guard! Wouldn't you rather live? Instead of trying to battle a group who very well might defeat you?"

The dragon snorted, a great acrid puff of green smoke wafted out of it's nostrils as he roared angrily "Little ghost! You anger me! You think because your cute, you think you can sneak past me! No I shan't let anyone past! If you wish to even get your greedy hands on one ounce of gold! You'll have to get past me!"

"Aww shit!" Ayami mumbled angrily as she had to roll glide away from an angry claw that batted at her as if she was just an angry fly buzzing greedily around the zombie dragon's huge form. Shaking her pink hair out of her eyes she growls out "We'll just have to kill it Phi! Veridian! Rianna! Ready yourself for battle!"

Ri groans, her eyes pulsing bright blue with annoyance as she hisses "You just had to go piss it off Ayami! Why the fuck did you do that?"

Ayami flashes a look at Ri as she hisses "Forget about it for now! Just be on guard Rianna!" Ri growls low but readies herself for battle, rising from the cold limestone floor, she unsheathes her sai's, gripping her familiar weapon in her hands tightly she thinks Well here goes nothing!