Nosdyn was left in a state of confusion...

I can't ever tell what they are thinking...I'm not a damned Orlouge. Nosdyn sighed as he thought of the Human pyschic and his family. What was the man's name? Sei Orlouge of The Ixian Knights. Finder of The Tablet that would create The Ixian Knights... The doomed Tablet. It was a mortal folk that destroyed the very same Tablet that Sei had found. Nosdyn reminded himself how much he hated the mortal surface dwellers. Nosdyn found himself calming down after the initial encounter with the loud-mouthed braggard.

Nosdyn watched as Sir Izra insulted a fellow that seemed Inhuman...almost like Nosdyn himself. Nosdyn eyed Sorish from his position in the ball room. And decided to nod at the sea-folk with some respect. After that, Nosdyn went to gather a drink and perhaps some food for himself. The party was becoming dreadful and Nosdyn wanted to go back home. Nosdyn thought back to the initial invitation of the party and sighed. Damned Humes and their games. Nosdyn thought to himself. He felt the weight of his weapon at his side...but he would not use it just yet. He wanted to see how The Game would play out.

Nosdyn was not terribly familiar with all of the social customs of Humes, but he was learning quickly. The Soldier just needed a moment or two to calm down and think clearly. He wanted to snap the neck of that one Hume, Sir Izra, that much he knew for certain. The man bragged about how he'd killed Nosdyn's people during the historic Demon's War.

Nosdyn looked as Sorish suddenly TOSSED Izra away like so much trash... The fellow landed several feet away and the gathered dancers suddenly stopped at the showing of supernatural strength. There were excited whispers from the gathered dancers and guests. Nosdyn felt an entirely different vibe in the building. He shook his head once more. Then he decided the party was a bust for him. He went to walk out towards a balcony area and get some fresh air. He needed it. His eyes were still twitching from the initial interaction with that supposed noble, Izra. But judging by how the fellow carried himself...Nosdyn wondered if it was true. I got to find a reason of why I'm even here. I hate social gatherings...reminds me of the time in that Tavern. Where that little kid stole Madison Freebird's item. Suicidal thieves...they don't know their place.

Nosdyn stepped out on the balcony where things were decidedly quieter. Nosdyn took a deep breath of fresh air and looked out at towards the quiet sleeping form of Concordia Forest that was visible ahead, just barely.