At that point...

Nosdyn was relaxing on balcony for some time.

He was thinking of home...The Tular Plains. It was not the fanciest place on Althanas. But was home. Visions of The Tular Plains scorched his mind, a place where the strong survived. Nosdyn was strongly considering taking his leave from the silly party and it's royalty that were present. Nosdyn was a soldier fighting for the other side. That was all that mattered to him. I don't like Humans. My Ancestors waged war against their kind before...perhaps...that is why I am here. Nosdyn considered the possibility for a moment or two.

No...things are rarely that simple...I will wait as long as needed until the true situation presents itself. My strength is needed here. At that point Nosdyn took a sip from his goblet and carefully placed the goblet on the balcony itself. He was someone who normally caused great change to occur in all events he was involved with. History was forged by the strength of his people. Nosdyn considered where his place was with the gathered folks at the party. He felt uncomfortable, and would be the first to admit he was out of his place there. His mind wandered, always back to The Tular Plains and how he'd missed the simpler life there. There were designated squads that worked as part of a larger platoon. Siege Tactics. It was a constant way of life on The Tular Plains. Nosdyn carefully pondered life back home. The squad was law, there was no room for politics, or bullshit.

The man on the field always got the job done.

"What are you thinking about?" Wendy suddenly asked of Nosdyn.

"" Nosdyn blinked for a moment but did not turn to face her. The party was becoming dreadful and he wanted to be gone from there. "Why would you care?" Nosdyn asked. It was in his nature to be in a constant state of hostility.

Wendy walked up towards Nosdyn and stood next to him on the balcony. "Just curious."

"Curiosity can be dangerous sometimes." Nosdyn said, he was studying Wendy at that point..."I'm thinking about Home."

"You mean The Tular Plains?" She asked.

"Ettermire." Nosdyn was revealing only half truths to her, and remaining on his guard.

"That's where you are from?" She raised an eyebrow.

"...No." Nosdyn said calmly. "But it is Home. I've got an Employer there that has an agreeable contract with me." Nosdyn looked away from Wendy at that point. "I'm a soldier, if you must know. He said carefully. Fighting for the other side, but a soldier none the less.

Wendy was generally interested at that point. "Sorry about earlier. That stuff between me and Izra goes back a time."

"...You would not last long on The Tular Plains." Nosdyn observed.

"Perhaps." She said calmly. "But I am more interested in you at this point."

Nosdyn became serious at that point and turned his attention towards Wendy. "What do you want?"