Hey all! I know a good number here still know who I am, and I know a few are probably curious about what is going on here in Houston.

1) The apartment complex I am in is still miraculously without water in apartments. We barely have water in our driveway/parking areas, and even that is minimal.
2) We're an island. The only street out of the complex is literally a small river (I have video, if anyone would like to see). Neighbors have ventured out for walks and have told me it is too deep to drive, and nearly too deep to walk.
3) I had stocked up on food before the storm, and so we're faring fine in that regard.
4) We have electricity, and have kept it the entire time --knock on wood--. CenterPoint has kept 85-90% of their entire subscriber base with power consistently, and that is incredible beyond words.
5) We have running water, though the pressure has reduced steadily.
6) We're not totally out of the clear yet, and will still have 1-2 more days of potentially troublesome rain before we make it through the to end of the storm.
7) The recovery here is honestly going to take years.
8) The media isn't overselling it. This storm is literally the worst flooding event in US history (recorded, at the very least). The amount of water is staggering, the amount of impassable roads and freeways is staggering, but through it all I have found solace in the kindness of random strangers stepping up to help one another.

Anywho. This is not meant as a 'I'm back' thread, more as a 'Hey, for those who might be curious, here's the lowdown' thread.