Black heart beat the entire time he was not consciously facing injuries...

A clue, a hint they all missed...

In the presence of the pagan god, Oxxad, his eyes suddenly burst open. Oxxad noticed it first...

Nosdyn rose as his heart beat black blood into into his veins, his chest...

"Keep your empty promises of salvation." Nosdyn spit, he was in a half state of hysteria from his waking back up he looked at Oxxad, not disturbed by the pagan entity. He'd seen worse and gone through worse. "N'Jal is all I need." Nosdyn spat.

He turned away from the false promises of Oxxad and redemption...Nosdyn knew who and what he was. He was a warrior, of house Krotar. No...more than that...he was the champion of N'Jal.

He looked away from Oxxad. And turned toward the shaman. "...Thank you. I forgot who I was. You helped me remember myself." The scars that Gum had inflicted...were not healing. What the fuck am I? Nosdyn though to himself. He looked down, with no capacity to regenerate naturally, he was doomed to survive, doomed to live. Life itself had cursed him.

He remembered something his wife, Xelldra, had told him. What happened before N'Jal was new...she'd never seen it before... He looked at Gum one more time. "I have a bitch of a Goddess to go kill now." Nosdyn said with a very calm voice.

Nosdyn walked with a limp at first, getting used to walking again. He was not quite undead himself, he was not quite dead nor living.

A different sort of transformation had occurred before the underworld and the eyes of Oxxad and the shaman. A different type of rebirth, like a caterpillar changing into some grotesque and evolved form. Nosdyn represented a scourge. He walked slowly away from the two of them, and the pagan god's empty promises of redemption.

"Stop him..." Oxxad said to Gum.

But it was already too late...Nosdyn had found himself.