Here is a link to my profile. It's been approved to be brought over since it hasn't changed. I should probably do an update because I'm two levels behind. Ugh.

Quote Originally Posted by Philomel View Post
Just so I have got this right, the arena is like a void, and in that void is a field of pillars. You said it was big, but not endless - is it then pillars as far as the eye can see.
Your drawing pretty much gets at what I was going for. There are a lot of pillars at the start with little in the way of gaps between them. As we start moving around, more and more pillars will drop, giving more room between the stable ones and making it harder to find a perch. The field is large but not infinite, maybe 50 meters across or so.

Also, I suppose there would be three starting platforms with three of us in the arena.