AJ and Celandine enter from the courtyard. All bunnying approved between our posts.

Celandine looked around the hall that was recovering from the chaos of their ordeal. The chandelier was still crashed, the massive structure piercing the air like some twisty and wirey monster. The broken glass that had been cast, thankfully, had been brushed up by the attentive staff, and the body itself was covered by a perfectly clean, white sheet. Courtiers, nobles and estranged guests alike huddled at the corners of the room, while a tall, pale man with white hair strode forwards, demanding answers, and a black raven-humanoid hurried after him, writing notes in a book as she went.

Celandine knew she was in far too much trouble. First, there had been the murder in the small town when she had arrived on the Salvar shores, now there was this second one. The first she could keep quiet about, as it had been a local thing, but this one … her mother would be furious to know that she had been there.

"But then, I'm not with her," the young lady faun growled, folding her arms and looking to her new companion. Taking in a breath she turned to the prince. "Where do we start?" She nodded at the pale man and the raven, who were talking to a servant at the moment. "They seem to know what to do. You wanted to find your family?"

“Yeah,” Aiden looked around the room and finally spotted his family. “I see them over there. It doesn’t look like much else has happened yet. Would you like to stay with us for the time being?”

“Certainly,” the faun replied.

AJ led the way around the mangled chandelier and waved to his family with his free hand. As they approached, he began introductions.

“Mother, this is Celandine. ZJ and I met her in the courtyard. Celandine, this is my mother, Lady Jasmine Draocsius, my sister, Siela, and you already met my older twin.”

Jasmine inclined her head politely, “Good to meet you, Celandine. While you’ve been outside, quite the commotion has been happening in here. Unfortunately, there’s been no further news other than that no one is to leave the estate. Several other lords and ladies seem to be missing as well. Hopefully, someone will have something soon for all of us. I’ve never been particularly fond of murder mystery stories.”