They were sitting together in the main gathering hall of their temple.

Nosdyn had a serious expression on his blue face. His eyes were narrowed as he sat there on one of the comfortable chairs. The temple in the under realm had been restored completely by his people. They were discussing strategy and what to do next. He looks at maps of Ettermire proper that they were analyzing, but always something deep troubled him. He looks at his companions. "There won't be any further attacks." Nosdyn suddenly said. That got all of their attention.

Tharak, his son, looks at Nosdyn carefully. "Father, we should press our advantage."

He shakes his head and looks off to the distance for a moment. Something haunted him, it had been brewing for a long while since. He was getting old, and he longed for home. "Son. What happened during the first Demon War?" Nosdyn suddenly asked.

Tharak knew his history of Althanas well. "We were defeated soundly by the remaining Nations." Tharak raised his eyebrow. "Father, what troubles you?"

Nosdyn pointed at the map calmly. Towards the heart of Ettermire herself. "What happens if we ultimately get our win against Ettermire and she surrenders to us?" He asks. "At what point do we stop this conquest?" He was serious. He wanted different goals at that point in his life.

Tharak considers what he is hearing. "Father, isn't that our people's creed? I'm not quite sure I understand your line of reasoning."

Nosdyn folds his arms across his chest. "I have always held a different goal in mind." Nosdyn explains. "We have been lead stray because of N'Jal. We have to focus our efforts elsewhere..."

Tharak, with his brilliant mind suddenly understood his father's meaning. "You mean home...Tular Plains." He says at that point.

Nosdyn nods. "We've been lead astray from the true path. We need to head back home and cease this conquest here. Needless bloodshed has been going on for too many generations now. The people of Ettermire don't even know why they fight us anymore." He rubs his long beard calmly. He was tired mentally and needed a long rest. Nosdyn was an exhausted old general at that point.

Tharak wanted to make sure he understood. "If we cease here, there will be no victory in Ettermire." But he understood his father's point of view. "However, we will follow you to the end of time." His son boldly said.

Nosdyn nods. "We will abandon this temple. Let Ettermire to her own vices. This...has gone on for far too long. I don't want any more parts of this madness." He relaxes his standing position for a moment as he looks at his people. "We will prepare to leave and return to Tular Plains, there we will continue our efforts to grow strong in one singular location." He explains. Home...they were going home at long last.