A few months had passed, it had been a difficult and trying time. They shifted between Akashima and Corone. Amari struggled to handle the bandit hideout in the beginning, all the extra men unnerved her and her nightmarish screaming kept the men up at nights. She spent most of the first month in Akashima, huddled up in the corner of Rafael’s lounge room. The people there left her alone, only stopping by to leave food and drink, which mostly remained untouched. Amari grew skinny, dangerously so, malnourished even.

She barely spoke, only offering small words or answers to Jake’s questions. He tried to coax things out of her, but every time Amari drew close to explaining what her brother Lamont had put her through, she’d recoil further into her dark world, nasea wracking her body.

Jake found that she was her calmest in the forest, despite the dangers of the surrounding area, he took the noblewomen out there, more often than not - and at her feeble request, would leave her alone.

Amari found that she had strange abilities, animals loved her and she was able to quell the forest creatures, even an angry bear that tried to storm the stronghold. (Of which she named ‘Chad’) Trees and flora flourished around her, and it slowly helped her open up once again. She felt….not entirely safe, nor content, but she felt that maybe, just maybe, she cold slowly recuperate from the horrors she had faced.


It was late afternoon, and well into summer. Amari lay atop a content and snoozing bear, in the middle of the forest. A ten minute stroll from the fortress. Here she felt….somewhat safe, and protected. Chad had been a reliant companion to her, and Amari adored the beasts company above all else.

Amari herself yawned, rolling onto her stomach. She wasn’t used to such hot weather. Her long hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, flyaways framed her face and shoulders. She wore a loose white cotton shirt, and black shorts, her feet were bare, and dirtied from wandering around barefoot. Her skin did not take to the sunlight well and was heated, unbeknownst to her it had begun to burn.

“It’s so hot…” She muttered. “Probably doesn’t help that I’m sitting on you, eh Chad?” The bear, gave a low rumble and a huff in response. “You said it… “ Amari mumbled back as she pulled on her shirt, shaking it to try and air it out.

Chad grumbled and stood, shaking her off, Amari slid down his side and sat on the ground against the tree. He snorted in the direction of the compound. Amari frowned, feeling herself tense up. “Is someone coming?”

Jake traipsed out of the bushes, brushing burrs from his sifan finery. The half elf froze when he saw the massive bear and put a hand in his pocket.

“Amari, be careful,” he said in a low, even voice, “back away from that thing slowly…”

“No.” Amari said as she stood and padded over to the brown bear, Chad’s fur bristled at the newcomer. “You’re scaring him… “ Amari muttered as she tenderly began to stroke the beast. Chad lifted his head and shoved it into Amari’s side, snorting. A small smile crept to her lips at the cool wet sensation of his snout. “He’s not hurting anyone.” Amari gently scratched the space between the bears eyes, her voice low. “He doesn’t have any plans, he doesn’t lie….he’s just...Chad…”

Jake slowly withdrew his hand and splayed his palms. He took a step backwards.

“I wanted to talk to you about something.” His green eyes never left the bear. “Could we take a little walk… alone?”

Amari wasn’t so sure she liked the idea of being alone...with anyone, any person anyway. She still had trust issues and grew anxious when she was alone with people for extended periods of time. She hated it about herself, and wished that circumstances were different, that she were stronger and able to face things. She looked from Jake to Chad who was disinterested. “I...suppose…” The redheaded noble pulled away from the bear and brushed herself off. Chad made a dissatisfied sound before heading away from the two, going to the stream to eat and no doubt cool off from the accursed heat.

Amari kicked at the ground with her bare foot, “What did you want to talk about?” She asked.

Jake’s posture opened up as the bear departed, and he gave Amari a friendly grin. “I’ve been thinking,” he said, stepping cautiously toward her. “You weren’t happy in Akashima, and living with the Bandit Brotherhood doesn’t seem to suit your much better. I need to go to Underwood for some… shopping. I wondered if you might like to come along and see the place. It’s a lovely little lumber town in the middle of Concordia… plenty of friendly people, and I’d wager you could find work at an inn if you wanted to. You’re an excellent cook.” His stomach growled at the mention of food.

Amari sighed. This again. She knew Jake was trying to look out for her, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for such a thing. “I...I don’t know…” Amari ran her hand up the length of a nearby tree. It comforted her. “I hate the heat here… but… I like the forest, and I like Chad. I feel like they’re the only things keeping me sane these days. I don’t want to lose that.”

As she spoke, the surrounding area responded to her, small saplings sprouted from the bark and the small tufts of grass that protruded from the twig strewn ground grew, and tickled her shins. “I don’t know how I can trust people again.”