Welcome one and all to the Auction House!

We have many exciting new items for you to obtain! So keep your eyes peeled, your wits sharp.

How it works:

-Each item will be listed by a staff member. One item will be added a week unless there is little interest in some items.

-You can bid in increments of 5 gold pieces unless otherwise stated.

- There will be a starting bid as well as possible a reserve price, and an ending date. When it reaches the end date (one week after the item is posted up) then the Auction ends and we have a winner!

- When the winner is declared then the gold will be deducted from their account. Please wait until a note appears in this thread from a staff member confirming you have won and the gold is deducted before using the item. Remember to add it to your profile in your next work up.

This week's item:

Item Name: Asvor

Item Description: A Damascus Dagger said to be crafted in Salvar sometime during the events of the War of the Flesh by a talented smith carrying the name of Enger Trygg. The dagger has an intricate up-swung cross-guard and its handle is wrapped beautifully in black leather with a round pommel adorned by onyx. Asvor has a useful enchantment weaved within its pommel, allowing for the dagger to return to it’s owner after being thrown or dropped.

Starting Bid: 240 GP
End Date: November 4th, 2021