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    EXP: 241, Level: 1
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 1,759
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,759

    Lilithios's Avatar


    Lilithios Lunar Darkwing
    26 years Old
    Blood Elf/Demon

    View Profile

    Post Lilithinos - Level 0

    Name: Lilithinos Lunar Darkwing
    Age: 26

    Personality: Sarcastic, Kind to closer Friends and Master
    Equipment: Iron Dual weapons (Swords, Axes, Maces, Etc), Iron Tools (Woodcutting Axe, Mining Pickaxe, Bandsaw) Sandpaper

    Skills: Dual Swordsman- She is Capable of Wielding Dual weapons
    Tailoring - Lilithinos can make bags and cloth armor
    Carpentry - She is able to cut wood and make Lumber out of it, as well as use it in Buildings

    Abilities: Ability 1: Wings Of The Demoness - Although they do not show in this picture, (Not easy to catch a screenshot of a Demon in flight)
    Lilthios has a Pair of Large, Bat-like Wings that she uses to Fly. She Can make these wings Invisible But other then flight, They offer her no advantage in battle. She uses this primarily to get around

    Ability 2: Mining - Lilithinos Can extract Iron and Steel from rocks

    Ability 3: Enchantment - Lilithios is a mixture of a Elf and Demon. She can enchant her weapons with a green flame four thirty seconds per enchant with a half hour cool down before she can use the skill again

    Background / History: Once a proud living breathing Blood Elf as her kind was called on Azaroth, Lilithios was originally called Lily of the Sunwell. Her primary job was tailoring armor and bags for the wandering adventurers and Local guards that came to her for aid. When demons of Hostile nature Attacked her home, she became bound to a Demon Elf that she was forced to serve under in combat against those she once called allies. She perished during the initial encounter with said Demon Elf and was rerisen as one of his loyal servants. But a cataclysm occurred as she was fufilling an order from him and she was brought to the world of Althanas. Lost in this strange new world she flies around Althanas looking for her sense of direction in life
    Last edited by Lilithios; 11-02-2021 at 01:52 PM.

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