Godroy had lead him out, stumbling step by stumbling step in a desperate bid not to fall and literally be dragged by the man. After meeting Belfry in all his unpleasantness Lyric's head was spinning with questions. Why were they okay with having a vampire here? What would become of him exactly? Where the hell were they going anyway?

Not long after they had taken to the halls, Belfry turned to a nearby door, purposefully close to the throne room yet a turn or two out of sight from where they had entered. Even as they got closer, Lyric could hear the muffled echoes of singing coming from the other side. Women's voices. Without so much as a knock, Godroy burst through the door with Lyric in tow, the singing abruptly ended as three women were stunned into silence by the intrusion. Hardly a moment after stepping within, Godroy practically threw Lyric at them, sending him teetering and only just able to catch himself.

"See to this one's preparation." Godroy barked callously. "Give it what it needs." Before, just as quickly as he had so rudely arrived, turned out and slammed the door shut behind him.

Still reeling a bit from the rough treatment, Lyric straightened himself before finally getting to absorb his surroundings. It was not that dissimilar to the dressing room he had been brought to before, with clothing hung up on racks, and mirrors along the walls. However, there were also clearly some more living amenities. A cushioned couch (A rich luxury in Lyric's eyes) in the shape of an L, with small tables and chairs along the wall. In addition, Lyric could clearly see hanging hammocks, some over one another, where people could sleep. This was some kind of communal living space.

Most striking though was obviously the company he suddenly shared. Three women, all of different ages from the look of it, were gawking at their pale skinned new visitor. They had all been singing with one another as they lounge on the couch before he had come in. Lyric looked at them all; More people to see his bare face... It still felt so uncomfortable, especially with the looks on their faces. A disturbed silence fell over the room now as Lyric froze, not sure what to do or say.

Of the three women, the one who looked the oldest stood first. She was... Well... 'Gifted' in the chest, even if they did hang just a bit, characteristic of a mother. She was pretty to be sure, but the subtle signs of her age shown on her eyes, her black hair up in a messy bun. It was apparent immediately to Lyric she was most senior here, being the first to move and also the first to get past any apprehension looking at him.

"Your name?" She asked, a tone of authority in her voice.

Lyric's stupor broke. "Lyric, ma'am."

"That's a pretty name." Chimed in another, much younger of the women. She seemed no less gifted by her genetics, but had long blond hair let down without care. She even smiled at him warmly, much to Lyric's surprise.
"Godroy picked you out of the crowd, hm?" The older woman continued.

To that, Lyric nodded nervously. "He did..."

"Well, Lyric..." She began to make strides, coming out from the other side of the couch, her rather revealing nightgown leaving not much to the imagination. Though, Lyric was quickly realizing as he took in this place, that was probably not for anyone's benefit but Belfry's. "I'm sure you heard much about this place from the outside, but I'll tell you now you are in for a rude awakening. Pretty a girl you are, you may regret what's in store."

There it is again. Mistaking him for a woman. Though, given the dress they put him in, that was more forgivable he supposed. "Actually, I am... No girl, ma'am."

That seemed to cock an eyebrow from the woman. "Oh? Really?"

"Yes... They just... Made me wear this."

To that, the other two girls seemed to look at the eldest, all sharing the same question no doubt. One that Lyric was not privy to. In response, the older woman's shoulder sunk a bit, shaking her head briefly. Was it out of shame? Disbelief? Distain...?

"I am Elerda." She finally introduced herself. "The blond one is Clementine, the red head is Jessabelle." Clementine, evidently, took the moment to wave at Lyric after being introduced. Jessabelle, they still hadn't moved. "We're all Lord Belfry's Concubines and entertainment. As, now, are you."

... Concubines? He was a concubine now? A pit formed in his stomach; He had had his suspicions ever since they made him wear the dress, but hearing it confirmed was disheartening. The sheer thought that he was expected to do anything elicit with that giant pig of a man... "B-But ma'am, I am... Unable to bear children."

"Nor am I." she said bluntly. "Lord Belfry, try as he might, has failed to get anyone pregnant."
"Thank the Sway, am I right?" Clementine chimed in, eliciting a scant giggle from the ever quiet Jessabelle. Elerda rolled her eyes briefly, and stayed on track.
"'Tis just a title. Lord Belfry gets more pleasure from the act than hope for future generations anyway. He also has some rather 'foreign' tastes... Such as boys like you."

There it was again. The pit in his stomach grew. He felt like he could throw up, if only he had anything in his stomach. He must of looked visibly ill from hearing such a thing, as without saying a word in response, Elerda approached him, stealing his mind away from his woes for the moment as he looked up at her.

"There there..." She mentioned, placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing it gently with a thumb. "Try not to think on it too much. We will help prepare you for... What's to come."

"Yeah Lord Belfry's got a small pecker anyway! Just act like you enjoy it and he'll leave you alone!"

"Clementine-! Pinch your tongue you daft thing! Lyric doesn't want to hear about that right now!"

It was true. He didn't. Elerda, apparently quite in tune with this, had the social awareness that said the obvious: Lyric was pretty uncomfortable right now, and talking about the gross task ahead of him was absolutely not going to help. Without another word on it, Elerda gave a gentle push to urge him to move along with her. He paid it no mind, having been lead around this place from the moment he got here, and fell in step with her as she took him round the couch. It was warmer here, closer to the fire place, and Lyric could not see face to face with everyone. That, still, was something he was going to need to get used to.

"This room is ours, and now yours too." Elerda mentioned. "I'll be honest: Don't expect too much privacy here. It's... A communal living."
"Speaking of privacy," Clementine, once again seeming the more eager and curious of the three of them, quickly chimed in. "Where are you from? You're so pale."

To that, Lyric's first inclination was to be tight lipped. "Well... Umm..."

"C'mon, we'll all be seeing each other in the nude before long, you can tell us."

She really liked bringing that up didn't she? They seemed nice, but damn if Lyric wasn't exactly invested in the lifestyle he was apparently thrust into. "It's just... A skin condition." A bold faced lie. But, a necessary one. He was going to live in close quarters with these women; What would they do if they thought he could bite them in their sleep?

"That's a weird one. Never seen anything like it before. Makes you look pale as a corpse."

"Clementine-! Gods woman, have you no filter?" Elerda chastised, shaking her head in disappointment or perhaps even annoyance. Yet still, even facing them all now, the silent third woman only stared without saying a word. She seemed okay, if not perhaps just a little younger than Clementine. Just laying eyes on them all, Lyric could tell Lord Belfry's taste in women: Attractive, at any age or body shape.

For once, Lyric dared ask something himself. "Is this... Everyone? Just the four of us?"

For a moment, the question left a lingering quiet. A heavy quiet. Without knowing it, perhaps Lyric had touched on something a little sensitive. Elerda though, eldest and so far most willing to speak and lead, answered. "For now, yes. I think we've had six in here at the most from any given time."

Naturally, that left the next question a pretty obvious one. "Where did the others go?"

"Well..." Elerda mulled things over in her head, seeming to be trying to sort through words and phrasing for how she would answer this. Before she did, she stepped away from Lyric, and casually took her seat onto the couch beside the other two, leaning back onto an arm rest. "... For one reason or another, they are made to leave. Some get too old for Lord Belfry's liking..." Something she herself no doubt must have on her mind sometimes. "Some get sick, and are thrown out. Others perhaps did something uncouth to displease him. We just had, not two months ago, a girl named Maya here with us. I think she got sick with something, so was removed..."

"So, we can still leave...?"

"I didn't say that..." Elerda droned, taking a moment to let out a sigh. "We don't know what happens to those they let go. We don't get to hear much of anything about the outside. We live in relative comfort and safety, in here, away from the cold outdoors in exchange for our pleasure. That's the trade off of living here."

"I see." Lyric's pit in his stomach wasn't going anywhere. This seemed rather... Unreal. Especially considering, as far as Lyric could tell, there wasn't exactly much choice involved in the process. Hell, he himself was just picked out of a crowd. Then, as he was processing things, another question came to mind. "Has there been other men here besides me? What happened to them?"

To that, once again, came a pregnant silence. Clementine even looked over at Elerda with interest, as if seeing if she would dare answer it. And, Elerda... Didn't. That did nothing for Lyric's confidence, seeing the sheer unease with which they all carried themselves in the face of his asking. They all clearly knew something about it but none of them wanted to say. What could it have possibly been? It didn't seem that grinding a question after all, unless something terrible had happened to the last male that had been brought into this room...

"... There has been at least one other in my own time here." Elerda finally said. "But... In the interest of not worrying you, I rather not say anymore."

Well, perhaps ironically, that was the most worrying thing she could have said! Lyric's brow tightened a bit, wearing the anxiousness on his face briefly. "I understand." But he didn't like it.

"Then take my advice Lyric: Sit down. Rest for a while. You've nowhere else to go, nothing else to do now."

Lyric didn't want to sit. He wanted to remain standing. It didn't feel right to just rest right now, for whatever reason. His senses were still tense, telling him he was in danger. What rest was there to be had? As his eyes seemed to peer at nothing, staring into the beautiful rug beneath him, Clementine chimed in.

"You're the first boy I've seen in this room." she said, sounding contrastingly cheery in the face of such dourness. "I bet you think you've struck it big, getting to sleep in a room with all these women, yeah?"

Could... She not read the room? Lyric pulled his gaze up from the floor, looking at her quizzically. He wasn't glad for anything right now, much less his roommates. Not only that, him being what he was, attraction on his part was... Weird. Weird enough for him not to want to try and explain to her how her being a woman didn't really matter. "Um... Excuse me?"

"Oh, you don't gotta say it." She said, blatantly winking at him. Elerda, in turn, rolled her eyes. She could definitely tell this was clashing with how Lyric was feeling, but, perhaps Clementine indeed intended for exactly this. What came off as perhaps being ditzy and socially unaware was in truth a calculated hard turn on her part, trying to course correct into something less stressful. Clementine, despite how she came off, was smarter than she first appeared. "I know I'M definitely interested in finally having some male companionship in here. I think you'll bring a welcome energy to our little troupe, Lyric."

This felt so out of no where and Lyric was not sure exactly how to handle it. It shook things up prety well, that was for sure, making him mentally break away from the spiral of depression in order to deal with this seemingly random assault of compliments and insinuation. "Thanks... It's... Good to meet you too."

"Do you like music, Lyric?"

He loved music. "Yes." His answer was given gently, but it came out so easily it was probably the simplest thing he could of answered in the moment.

"Good! I love music." She smiled at him, and seemed to nudge the mute woman beside her. "Come on, we were singing just before you came in. We can start from the top." Her eyes looked at Lyric now with a new sort of confusion, like she was amused he was standing up. "Soon as you sit down, anyway. Bit weird to sing to a standing audience, isn't it?"

Was it? Lyric didn't know. But, she succeeded in making him feel strange for being on his feet. Like what Elerda had tried to ask him to do before, Clemetine succeeded in getting him to sit down and start to calm down. Without a word, Lyric held his dress as he daintily took a seat on the edge of the couch cushion, the other side of the 'L' shape away from them, as Clemetine nodded with approval and seemed to try and get the others to join her in renewing their song making...

It would be the end of his first day in this new 'Home'.