Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you guys know I've come back.

I took a needed break things got a little too rough for me back then.

I'm looking for small groups of partners to rp with, nothing too grandiose.

I DO have one biiiiig idea though. I'll save it for down the line.

Let me know how you guys been doing? Hope you guys are well. Tony hit me up on discord when you can a little later on! I'm a old vet whose returning. I just want to write.

So hope you guys all been doing well. Let me know who wants to plan things!

I'm around I have messages open on DM in discord and facebook so hit me up whenever.

I'm always around if you guys need someone to hang out with...I don't bite...too hard heheh.

But yeah guys this is my official returning post the break was needed. Let me know if you guys need a dedicated partner for whatever. I can use all of my characters for whatever. I'm game.