(Solo Quest. Continues off the events of I am Nosdyn chapter 1)

Nosdyn was awake that night. He was having a talk wiht one of his children. "State Krotar Precept number one."

The blue skinned child of Nosdyn thought car4efully. "One must never surrender to an enemy. One must always use whatever means to win a battle sire."

"Very good my son." He considered for a moment. He was teaching his children the same way he was taught the House Krotar precepts by his own Father. "If you are to be a student of House Krotar, I have to make sure you know the teachings." Nosdyn continued giving the boy rudimentary lessons. "Explain the precepts overview in battle and politics my son."

"The precepts guide our swords and provide our shields with durability and strength." The boy was trying to think hard. His name was Lordres. He was a halfbreed between Dark Elf blood and Demon blood.

Nosdyn knew the boy was meant for greatness. "You are doing well my child." Nosdyn said with approval. He was raised in the harsh lands of Tular Plains and forced to assassinate his own House by a usurpuer. He hated thinking of those days but they brought him a sense of duty. Those days made him restore the Krotar House oath and family crest. Nosdyn hugged the boy. "Swear to me you will become strong my boy; You represent Althanas's future."

"I swear Father." He was also a proud Demon.

Nosdyn considered the situation as it occurred. He stood up at that point. "You will all be proud members of House Krotar" Nosdyn explained he was looking at a new generation of proud Krotar warriors. Nosdyn knew he had to make up for his own past sins.

"Still can't sleep?" It was his wife, the Dark Elf Ealadra.

Nosdyn nodded to her and kissed her deeply. "I was going over lessons with the boy." He explained. "But yes I did not want to wake you." He said as he kissed her deeply.

His son yawned at that point. "Father can I go to sleep now?"

Nosdyn nodded. "You may." He got up and accompanied his wife.