He slammed into a something, eliciting a groan as it sent him end over end, only to fall the next ten feet and land on his back with a mighty thud. John's mind drifted lazily from one image to another, the branch that hit him was a root, he noticed, and the cavern he was in was bathed in some kind of orange light. He could see no trace from where he had fallen, the daylight was swallowed by the twists and turns of the hole that brought him here. He closed his blue eyes, shaking the mud from his mind as he started to roll over, keeping sure to not to roll over on his ribs, bruised by the fall.

He utterly failed to notice on his way down, but now he saw a dim figure, lit only slightly in the back by some kind of orange light, it might have been fire if he could hold the thought, and even then only an outline. He spat on the ground, groaning as his ribs protested to the sudden motion, and rolled over all the way, disregarding the way it dirtied his tunic slightly. It was already dirty anyways.

"Who are you?" he asked simply, still rolling thoughts around his head slowly.