I turned the pages again. A text of simple handwriting, my own, that explained all I collected throughout the years.

"Born to Ashfall Icebreaker and Layla Rose in the region of Eiskalt, Ashla was raised by her uncle. I do not know much of her childhood, but when she was fourteen her entire family, save Fulgur II, were killed in the selfish ambitions of Fulgur I. Ashla's uncle, apparently, was killed in front of the child."

Pushing up my glasses, I continued to read, "After this tragedy, she escaped slaughter by going to Fallien. It is here that her fall started. . ."

I looked up to the hidden members of the group, "The next bit of story I heard of her was from the Althanas Leagues. She lost miserably. Apparently, some of her opponents was were the infamous Lichensith Ulroke and Zack Blaze, who both her mortal enemies during the Eiskalt War, which I will further delve into in a moment."

I turned another page, "Prior to the war, Ashla and Fulgur took over the small country. The young nation was under their and Julius Tabor's rule for a short while before the Eiskalt War was initiated."

I glared as I asked a question, "She was sixteen at the time. Tell me, what ways the massacre of that scale affect not only a teenager, but a teenager in charge of the country that became like a bloodbath?"