Thick weeds choked the dry dirt that wandered between patchwork fields, and horseflies darted beneath the gray blanket draped across the world. Despite the supple scent of moist earth wafting, the timid nose of a famished field mouse twitched to taste a sourer tone. As it scurried to heed the wails of wilted young, the flap of wing and snick of claw carried its squeals to fade behind the wind.

A simple homestead cowered too under those rumbling skies, and the sunken eyes that creaked now their laden way past paltry crops sported familiar colors. Within the weathered walls, worn hands clutched at a slumped form of blisters and toil; sobs soaked a simple dress, while soil drank deep of the price. Lightning defied the bitter quiet with a flickering crack, and a tiny stare blankly traced the trail of grain leading down dirt steps, to the empty cellar below.