When they were done, the wizard collapsed aside her in a heap, laughing at the preposterous enjoyment he had just been blessed with. There was something about release that brought him a wild blend of ecstasy and exhaustion, distilled with an aftertaste of clarity of thought and focus. He could reflect on the moment, knowing decidedly the wisdom of his decision making in the immediate aftermath. To his relief, there was not a shred of regret or doubt. He had been given one of the great experiences a man can have in this short journey.

“You are more parts sorceress than I thought.” A charming smirk as he pushed himself up against the headboard, propping his glistening back against the wooden rails. She had finished with a violent shake at near the same time; were she not actually satisfied she faked it well enough to squash any concerns that he would have harbored.

The smell of sex was heavy in the room, and it was the most bizarre of all the great scents upon the earth. In moments of passion, it was an aphrodisiac, further driving them ahead with vigor and energy. In the refractory seconds, it was sour and almost offensive; a relic of past sins that seemed to belong to other people. In either event, the scent was soon overpowered as Storm snapped his fingers, producing a small flame above his cherrywood bowl. The tobacco hopped to life, filling his mouth and lungs with a smooth, satisfying warmth that added a deeper level of clarity to his thought.

Do fauns smoke? That’s what they’re called, “fauns”, right? Until twenty minutes ago, I didn’t have any goddamned idea what they were capable of. Pleasant surprise that they aren’t easily offended.

A devilish grin further spread across pursed lips as he considered the thought, before slowly exhaling a deep pair of lungs full of rich smoke. He turned to the slightly open window as he did so, only now noting the sharp cool air coming in from the night.

He spun back in bed, facing forward and laying eyes upon the bizarre beauty that had risen nude from the bed once more. She was breathtaking in her own unique way. The wizard leaned forward, stretching a long, tautly muscled arm to her with the pipe still glowing at the end.

“Do you smoke? I find it clears the head well, and you certainly dominated my attention pretty completely.” He smiled once more, a bit more aware of how sophomoric is lovestruck nature must seem.

“You’re welcome to crash here if you don’t have plans; no reason to scoot you off. Radasanth will still be waiting when I get back, and there’s always a new fool with a pocket to lighten.”

The ambiguity of his comment was not unintentional; he felt confident that this new adventure of a female had a few more tricks up her sleeve. Tomorrow, the winds would drive his sails.