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  1. #3
    Junior Member

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    The Voice
    At the current moment I do not post nearly enough but looking to change this, so would not want to rule out using this character competitively if I can help it.

    I suppose the easiest way to work around this would be to define limitations on the NPC's.

    There would only ever be one user of the weapon at a time as it requires touch so even if there is the ability for my Power Bargain to strengthen someones Strength / Reflexes / Spell it would be limited to one thing and one person.

    So in a combat scenario I would very clearly specify what type of person I was using (describe appearance as a generic fighter, etc) and this would remain throughout the combat and would not change. They would also specify within the combat (via internal monologue or otherwise) what they were strengthening X ability / spell.

    The simplest option that I can think of would be for me to say that all NPC's I am using are of a very basic level so if they were all generic fighters they would all have roughly the same level of strength / constitution / etc - so that my boost to that ability would be within acceptable levels.

    The more complicated users would be spell casters as I am unsure what would be the levels allowed for spells / how many so as to make them acceptable. i.e. if they would naturally have a small fire spell my power could increase this to a slightly better fire spell but it would not change type / frequency just power.

    If you could suggest examples of some extremely low level spells and what my ability would allow them to raise too, I would stick to the ones suggested and use that as reference. In the first instance think I will start with Fighter / Barbarian styled characters and progress to Spell Casters as time progresses.

    Let me know your thoughts or if you have a better idea on how to progress.
    Last edited by Voice; 09-19-2017 at 01:35 PM.

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