The ground shook with the footfalls of the three mauls, and all the while Tap energy radiated from the tomb. Someone channeled powerful magic in there... someone else seeking the lyre. The calculation was a simple one; Josh and Philomel would need to separate in order to address both threats simultaneously.

"Some type of mage lurks within the temple," Josh whispered to Philomel, uncertain whether the faun could detect arcane signatures, "surely they seek the same as us. I will draw the giants away so that you may enter, lyre-bearer."

The matriarch stayed him momentarily with a hand on his shoulder, but then nodded. "Be steadfast," she said softly.

Breaker nodded and then wound through the trees which grew as densely as teeth on a comb. He stepped carefully, keeping his black boots away from dead leaves which would crackle and betray his presence. Dangling vines swayed in a breeze that slipped through his short brown hair, as if giving a tactile warning of the danger ahead. Breaker crept as near as he dared and then parted the broad leaves of a red fern to peer at the monsters.

The mauls stood in a rough triangle near the dark, gaping entrance to the tomb. Each stood taller and broader than the last one Breaker had slain, and each gripped a great warclub in their massive hands. The four mandibles of each of their mouths dripped putrid saliva, and their backs bristled with deadly spikes. They communicated in a dull, grunting language. It was odd to see three such creatures gathered together, for ordinarily they were highly territorial.

Whoever is within must have summoned these to guard the threshold. I will draw them away.

The demigod took a deep, steadying breath, and then stepped through the ferns into the open.

"Ahoy there, you too-many-jawed monsters! Fancy a ration of this?" He spread his arms wide.

For a moment, the dim-witted giants did not move. They exchanged labored glances, confused by Cronen's boldness. And then, almost as one, they hefted their studded warclubs and sauntered toward the intruder.

"You'll have to move faster than that!" Breaker crowed, and ran a neat loop around the mauls, forcing them to turn awkwardly, leading them away from Philomel. Their gait accelerated to a thundering run. If Josh thought the ground had shaken when the first maul gave chase, it positively quaked with three in his wake. The monsters tore directly through the trees and shrubberies which Breaker dodged around, gaining on the martial artist until he stopped in an open meadow and turned.

Got them away from the entrance. Now I must dispatch them and assist the lyre-bearer. It would be much more difficult this time. There were three mauls, and they were not moving at a headlong dash which Breaker could harness to crack their skulls. Where to find a weakness on such beasts? They were all cordlike muscle and leathery hide, and Breaker had only the dagger sheathed in his boot.

The mauls showed a surprising amount of acumen. They did not charge directly at their quarry. Instead they slowed and surrounded him in a series of long, loping strides. Their warclubs dragged in the dirt, tearing up earth like a trio of plows. Their eyes glared slow-witted anger, but somehow, a modicum of patience.

They waited until they had three distinct angles, and then hefted their clubs and with air-shattering roars, attacked.