WANTED: Dagor Lakefish of the Lakefish Crime Family. Bring him back dead or alive, preferably dead. Ten thousand gold coin award!

"Preferably dead, huh?" Felicity held the wanted paper in her hands, observing the sketch of a gruff looking man with a round face, beard, and numerous scars.

In the town square of a small town in Scara Brae, the mid day sunlight burst down from the cloudless sky. The humble, cool dirt roads all came together in a circle with important buildings. The mayor's office, the local taxidermist, the doctor's. . . It was a tiny community, located right next to the infamous Brokenthorn Forest. It was here that the sightings of the very head of a crooked crime family, the Lakefish's, was sighted. As of now, having already faced a small portion of the family at a burning farm, Felicity Rhyolite and an old friend were tracking the family down.

"Apparently he's wanted for many things," a voice from behind said. The redheaded young girl turned around to see an older young woman with black hair and mismatched eyes. "He's wanted for theft, murder, illegal drug dealing and human trafficking. . ."

Felicity looked at the paper, determination filling her eyes, "After what they did to that farm. . ."

The young woman put an encouraging hand on her shoulder, "We're going to bring him in. Alive."

The young woman turned to leave, pulling a dirtied white cloak over her lithe body, "Let the justice system take care of the low life. . ."

Felicity looked over her shoulder to the woman. As she walked away, draping a white hood over her head, the green eyed girl smiled. Ashla was finally changing for the better. The resentment was still obvious in her eyes, however, and Felicity could tell that letting a criminal live was hard on her. Still, as Felicity pulled her shield against her back, she could not have been more proud.

Felicity stuffed the poster into a leather bag on her belt, following her former teacher as they left the hamlet.