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Thread: Cutting Ties

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  1. #3
    Apathy Elemental

    EXP: 114,186, Level: 14
    Level completed: 68%, EXP required for next Level: 4,814
    Level completed: 68%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,814

    Briarheart's Avatar


    Madison Freebird

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    Within three days--three long, tiresome, humid, dirty, smelly, disgusting, emotionally draining, mentally taxing, physically demanding days--Gaster and I arrived at our destination.

    Lanbert was the capital of the kingdom of Medina. When I first stepped through the gates into the city, I got the impression that it was very much like Radasanth back home. Between the similar architectural philosophies, the melting pot of various races and cultures on display as I walked down the cobblestone streets, the rolling hills and endless farmland outside the walls, and the towering castle that was visible from any point in Lanbert with a clear view of the skyline, I may as well have been in a slightly more storybook Corone.

    I was okay with this, naturally. It made my job easier knowing that I was comfortable with my environment. Felt very much like being back in Radasanth, what with how easy it was to stick to the alleyways and side streets and avoid rousing the suspicion of the common folk. It also meant that I could easily navigate the darker parts of town to find the things that truly interested me. Like, say, a table with three or four unsuspecting suckers I could trick into handing over all their gold after a few manipulated rounds of cards. Or a place to hide out while the smelly old hermit carried out my bidding.

    Maybe a nice cafe to grab some hot cocoa at after I sent him along his way, too. I could use a mug of the stuff right now. And a hot bath. And a new set of rags. Oh, and a small souvenir for Hype. She'd probably adore some useless little dust-collector she can put on her dresser.

    But I was getting ahead of myself. Time was growing short, and there was still so much to prepare for. We had to act tonight.

    - - - - -

    The abandoned building was situated somewhere in the slums north of the castle, roughly half a mile from the pipes which led into the bowels of the gigantic stone structure. Very few people knew about it, but I had done my research ahead of time. Gaster attributed the revelation to my divine powers, mumbling something about destiny and fate and other bullshit.

    “Your orders are simple,” I intoned to him in my most mysterious yet menacing tone. My dark goddess tone, I guess. “You are to infiltrate the castle two hours after midnight, when the guards are at their most tired point. The darkness is your friend. Embrace the shadows, become one with your surroundings.”

    Gaster nodded intently, his features dour and focused underneath the years of sickness and grime caked onto them.

    “You will find Princess Arianna in her quarters. Distract the guards, lure them away from her. Then, steal her away and bring her back to me without raising an alarm.”

    The old man bowed his head before me. “It shall be done, my goddess. None shall stand in my way. I will strike down any who attempt to stop me.”

    “No killing,” I cut in.

    Gaster hesitated a moment before tilting his head up enough to look into my amber eyes. “Forgive my ignorance, my goddess, but why?”

    “If you eliminate one guard, you risk alerting the rest.” I bit my tongue right before telling him that I was speaking from experience. “You have my orders, servant. You may take your leave to prepare as you see fit.”

    He bowed back down, muttering foreign prayers that I could just barely make out. He clasped his hands together with a loud thwack. “Tonight, I shall bring glory to your name. All will soon fear the rise of Laenguora, Mother of Plagues, The Doom of Medina, The Ancient Briar, She That Takes--”

    Go!” I cut him off with a wave of my hand and a snarl.

    The hermit shifted in his ratty rags, something akin to a way a child spasms when scolded by a step-parent who is a little too friendly with a belt. “Yes, yes, of course, my goddess!”

    He rose to his feet, took one step towards the pile of sacks where he kept his gear, and paused. A second later, he was back on his knees, head lowered in supplication once more.

    “Before I go carry out your will, may I...” His voice trailed off.

    I arched an eyebrow at him. “May you what, servant?”

    It was several seconds of babbling before he built up the courage. “M-m-may I... May I, unworthy and unclean as I may be...”

    “Out with it,” I commanded.

    Gaster shrunk into himself for the briefest of moments before sputtering out, “May I have a blessing? For good luck?”

    The old man inched closer to me, his head hung low, an air of expectancy surrounding him. I took a deep breath, and exhaled.

    Oh gods, he really was expecting a blessing, wasn't he?

    For a brief moment, I considered denying his request, striking him for something as silly as a good luck blessing, and sending him on his way. But then Markov's voice rung in my head. ”In order to seal the deal, you must make the client happy. To make the client happy, sometimes you just have to suck it up and do something outside your comfort zone. Even though you are the goddess, your success lives and dies by your subjects. Cater to their needs, and they will cater to yours in turn."

    The grease and grime on the shining bald spot of his head looked soupier than normal. I swore that the blemishes and sores that checkered his skin visibly throbbed. I could see the lice swarming around his scalp.

    Fuck you, Markov. You owe me big time for this.

    Slowly, I extended a hand over Gaster's head. My vines began to shake uncontrollably. Oh my gods, I was about to do this.

    I lowered my hand. Inch by inch by inch. Closer and closer and closer.


    I made contact with him.

    I could've sworn I heard a soft squelch in the quiet of the abandoned building. I felt the squirming of tiny insects as they crawled around the thin clumps of hair underneath my fingers. It took every ounce of inner strength I had not to scream when several of his whiteheads popped under the rough skin of my vines and by the curly hairs on Hromagh's balls it's all over me now how long do I have to keep my hand here--

    At my feet, Gaster whimpered, decades of stress leading up to this moment suddenly melting away.

    Deep inside me, something stirred. It was my lunch, preparing to jump ship and add another layer to the mess that was this man.

    “You are blessed,” I hissed behind clenched teeth. “Now get the fuck outta' here.”
    Last edited by Briarheart; 10-09-2017 at 09:37 PM.

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