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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Several years ago was not a pleasant time for Amari, she was away from her family and the insidous plans her brother had laid out for her. Away from his control and sigils and schemes - but as they say... out of the frying pan and into the fire. Swooped up by bandits; battered and bruised, but no amount of that could quell her ferocious spirit. Not even a short stint in the house of Sin where she was subject to Aurelianus' twisted sense of justice.

    Not every bandit is cruel, and she had found people she could almost trust there, people who kept an eye on her and ensured she was fed. Ensured she was not 'touched' men who had no place in the clan and yet they stayed be it for greed or for survival.

    Away from Salvar and on a transport mission the three find themselves taking reprieve in a bar, at just 20 years old Amari was still very much an outspoken, loud, crass and caring individual.

    Thom ran a hand through his matted black hair as he sighed. "I know you don't like places like this, but we gotta look like we're at least attempting to barter you off." The dark look Amari shot him caused the man to shake his head. "I know. I don't agree with it either."

    The door to the tavern opened and three entered, passing a few tables to find an empty one. Thom, Amari, and Jack. Thom found a somewhat empty space and squeezed himself into it before gesturing for the others to take a seat. "Sit." Jack took a seat opposite his comrade, leaving a spare seat between them for Amari to join but the obstinate redhead refused. She stood still as her emerald and golden gaze challenged their offer.

    "The hell is the point of this? I'm still just your prisoner." She spat under her breath.

    The two men exchanged glances. Thom rose his blue eyes to her, "You could leave and neither Jack or I would stop you. We're cartin' goods through to Alerar. Realistically... this would be your most opportune time. But members of our..." He cleared his throat. "Group are all over the place and we don't know the people here. You could be picked up and whisked away."

    "It's fuckin' better than dealing with all of you!"

    "Yeh, are you still going to say that if a group of slavers pick you up?" Jack interjected. His green eyes narrowed as he leaned on the back two legs of his chair. "Look at you." He gestured toward her. Normally Amari would be dressed in rags, barely enough to stave away the cold from Salvar, but today she wore a very old and faded dress that was once a brilliant red, now it was a sickly blushed hue. Her hair hung wild and untamed just under her shoulders, the dress was a size too small for her and it showed. "Red hair, crazy ass glowing eyes. Let's ignore that you look like yer about to explode outta that dress. Yer a beacon. Sure its hell, but at least...."

    His hand lowered to the table and he gave a weary sigh. "At least we can keep an eye out for you... I really...I really don't want a repeat of what happened in that house of Sin. Please Amari. Sit."

    Amari took a step away from the two. Just the mention of that demon made her feel nauseous and sickly. The things she saw...the things she felt the pain... "Don't MENTION that name!" Amari snapped, louder than intended. Already a few patrons had their eyes on her. She was, as usual, causing a scene. "You have NO idea what I went through!" She shook her head and approached the table only to slam her palms down hard on it. "NO idea what that sick fuck is capable of!"

    She jumped as a hand reached out to rest on top of hers. It was Thom. "Amari." he implored as his eyes glanced over some of the bruises that still blotched her bare shoulders. "Please."

    Amari sighed as she hung her head. She was trapped. She couldn't run away. Someone else would just find her, she shuddered to think what would happen if she were to be thrown back into the house of sin again. "Yeh. Alright." Amari shifted and took her seat, visibly drained. "I just...want to be free of all this. I want to stand on my own two feet. Fight my own battles." Her eyes slowly breezed the tavern, a few old men drinking at the bar. Soldiers enjoying an ale close to them... women of the night in the corner.

    "I want to walk free, and have the tools to do that. To take what I want when I need it." She glanced to the side. "Without sacrificing my humanity or who I am. Is that such a farfetched dream?"

    Thom was scratching the stubble on his chin, his eyes on the soldiers before them. "Maybe not Amari...maybe not."
    Last edited by Amari; 10-09-2017 at 11:01 PM.

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