Sketch beamed at the captain, and he gave again, a steep bow, "Ma'am, for four days, I shall give you everything I am in order to accomplish the training as effectively as possible." Four days, he'd work so hard that he'd sweat blood during these four days. He would learn everything he could, and set out with his new weapon once it was forged, pursuing the name that the witch had given him. "The Unfettered King" was a question he needed an answer to, and he hoped with the training under his belt, that he'd be ready to brave the dangers to find them.

He thought over what Nevin had said. There is a place I wish to see destroyed. Sketch pondered over the words, and wondered just how little the alchemist was keeping from him. He was afraid of the man going off by himself, and he knew that he would be greatly saddened if anything happened to his friend. "Nevin, I know not what you intend to do or face in your future, but know that if you ever require my assistance, all you ever need do is ask.
You've aided me time and again, and my life would be lessened by your absence. You are one I truly name as a friend, and that means much to me."

Captain, Veridian, I know that we both came and imposed on you, and I thank you for taking us in. The debt I owe you both can't be easily repaid, but should you ever ask it, know that I will be there for you as well." Sketch felt that it was his obligation to the captain to fulfill any request she presented to him, and that the pair of them would be stout allies in the future. He was excited to see what the next days held for them, and he was determined to give everything he had to master his lessons and make sure that the captains efforts didn't go to waste.