A soft smile passed over Philomel's lips as she compared one man to the other. Truly, they were friends, and though that might cause problems were they ever to be pitted against one another in this training practise, it would serve them better for their futures. Good friends who were capable of fighting also were always better than none.

A breeze fell across where they sat and she leant forwards to pluck a grape from the bunch as she listened to the words of the soon to be warriors. Dropping it into her mouth she heard them promise that they would do what it takes to become capable. It was then that the glorious idea stuck into her head, of truly testing them once their time was done here.

The bows were sweet and polite, and nothing that Philomel was stranger to. She responded with curt nods and patience. Waiting until the men were completely done she continued to eat and drink, then moved onto her knees. Beside her Veridian stretched, long and tired, opening his maw and even tickling the air with a small burp of flame. Philomel waited until he too was ready, placing her hands on her lap.

Done? she asked when he was back on his haunches.

He looked at her, golden eyes gleaming. Indeed. Why did you need to wait for me?

Because you are part of this too.
And with words of excited nature she told him of her plan. A way to find excitement amongst these likely long days of toil and sweat. Something for them all work towards against, filling them with readiness, satisfaction, wonder ...

With Veridian's consent Philomel faced back to the alchemist and storyteller.

"I am prepared to train you entirely. To give you the basics of a fighting ability that you yourselves will need to hone over the next few years, with constant practise. I cannot make you legendary warriors right away but I can give you the tools in order to begin you on that path."

She rolled back her shoulders and sat straight.

"Four days is what I am offering. Four days of tiring, grilling practise. The mornings are standard sessions with all, giving you skills on footwork, reflexive maneouvers and a general understanding of what happens on a battlefield. You will learn the basics of what we term the fox's dance - a series of exercises I made myself and which contain many various moves that you can use later in real fights. The afternoons will contain more personal tutoring, with me, or with others that you prefer, focusing on your own personal weapons, skills and magical abilities." She paused. "Apologies, Veridian and me will teach you, if you prefer us."

The fox purred and she nodded.

"Then after those four days you will be tested. In a way that I will not let you know yet but that will truly make you understand what you have learnt and see your own skill."

She looked from man to man.

"Is this acceptable?"